Payment Transfer Request and Response - Attribute/Value Pairs in JSON Format

Note: We recommend you to refer the Payment Transfer Request in JSON Format and Payment Transfer Response in JSON Format topics in parallel while understanding the below mentioned attributes. This will help you to understand how the attributes are nested in the XML format.

Before calling the C1-TransferPaymentService business service through an inbound web service, you need to ensure that the payment transfer service contains the following attributes:

Attribute Name Attribute Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
paymentId Used to specify the payment Id using which you want to transfer the payment. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the transfer payment process is initiated.
paymentEventId Used to specify the payment event Id using which you want to transfer all the frozen payments to the specified match value. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required when the transfer payment process is initiated.
transferType Used to indicate the type of payment transfer. The valid values are:
  • Payment Event (E)

  • Payment (P)

Note: You must select a transfer type which is already defined in the system.
transferReason Used to specify the reason to perform the payment transfer.
Note: You must specify the transfer reason which is already defined in the system.
matchType Used to indicate the match type using which you want to transfer the payment.
Note: You must specify the match type which is already defined in the system.
matchTypeValue Used to specify a particular entity (such as bill ID or contract ID) for the match type.
Note: The match value must be a valid bill ID or contract ID.
sourceSystem Used to indicate the external system from where the create payment request is received. No
externalTransactionId Used to indicate the external transaction Id of the payment on the payment upload interface. No
externalSourceId Used to specify the external source system Id. No
transferAmount Used to specify the amount to perform the payment transfer. No

The following table lists and describes the attributes which appear in the payment transfer response in the XML format:

Attribute Name Attribute Description
paymentsDtls Displays the payment details.
paymentEventId Displays the payment event Id.
messageValue Indicates an error that occurred while transferring the payment.
Note: This attribute appears when the value in the statusCd tag is set to Fail.
paymentStatus Indicates the status of the payment. The valid values are:
  • Frozen

  • Error

statusCd Indicates whether the payment transfer request is successfully processed or not. The valid values are:
  • Success

  • Fail

paymentStatusDesc Indicates the reason why the payment transfer operation is rejected.

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