This algorithm is created for those events that are required to issue letters. It has the following mode of operation:

  • Account Level Delinquency Process - This algorithm creates customer contacts for all the persons associated with an account which has been configured to receive the notification. If you provide specific account relationship types as the soft parameters, the algorithm creates only the customer contact for an account person for the given relationship type(s). If you do not provide specific account relationship types, the algorithm creates customer contacts regardless of the relationship type(s).

You must specify the following parameters while creating this algorithm:

  • Customer Contact Type - Used to specify the customer contact type used to create the customer contact.

  • Customer Contact Class - Used to specify the customer contact class (of the contact type) used to create the customer contact.

  • Default Contact Method - Used to specify the default (preferred) contact method when the field mapping is not available for the bill route type.

  • Account Characteristic Type - Used to specify the characteristic to store the account ID on the customer contact. The Account Characteristic Type is used by subsequent letter extract algorithm to retrieve the account override address wherever it is applicable.

  • Membership Characteristic Type - Used to specify the characteristic to store the membership ID on the customer contact.


For every customer contact, the algorithm adds a log entry for the delinquency process. The delinquency process ID is also stamped on the customer contact as a characteristic.

The C1-DLQSENDCC algorithm type is shipped with the product. You must attach an algorithm created using the C1-DLQSENDCC algorithm type to the Event Activation system event created for the delinquency event type.