Editing an Extract Template


To edit a extract template you should have:

  • Fields and their corresponding default values are defined in the application.

  • Reference tables and columns defined in the application.


  • An algorithm defined using the C1-BLEXTTMPL algorithm type.


To edit an extract template:

  1. Search for the extract template in the Extract Template screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the Edit (The Edit Icon ) icon in the Edit column corresponding to the extract template whose details you want to edit.
    The Extract Template window appears. It contains the following sections:
    • Main - Used to specify the basic information about the extract template. It contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Extract Template Used to specify the extract template. Yes
      Description Used to specify the description of the extract template. Yes
      Status Used to indicate the status of the extract template. The valid values are:
      • Active

      • Inactive

      Date Time Format Used to specify the standard date and time format you want the for the extract template. Yes
      Detailed Description Used to specify the format in which you want to define the date and time in extracted file. No
    • Extract Formats - Used to specify the supported file formats and corresponding details required to extract the information. It contains the following fields:

      Column Name Column Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      File Format Used to indicate the file format selected to create an extract file. The valid values are:
      • Comma Separated Values

      • Extensible Markup Language

      • Fixed Position

      • JavaScript Object Notation

      • Pipe Separated Values

      • Tilde Separated Values

      File Extension Used to specify the file extension corresponding to the file format selected to extract information. Yes
      Root Tag Used to specify the name of the root tag in which you want to enclose the extracted information.
      Note: This field is enabled only when you select Extensible Markup Language or JavaScript Object Notation option from the File Format list.
      Yes (Conditional)
      Enclosed Quotes Required Used to indicate whether you want to enclose the extracted information in the double quotes.
      Note: This checkbox appears only when you select the Comma Separated Values, Pipe Separated Values or Tilde Separated Values option from the File Format list.
      Yes (Conditional)
      Column Header Required Used to indicate whether you want the column headers for the extracted information.
      • If this checkbox is selected then the field names of the mapped fields are used as the column headers for the extracted information.

      • This checkbox appears when you select the Comma Separated Values, Pipe Separated Values or Tilde Separated Values option from the File Format list.

      Yes (Conditional)
      Same as Source XML Used to indicate whether the target field XPath is same as the source field XPath while mapping the fields.
      Note: This checkbox appears when you select the Comma Separated Values, Pipe Separated Values or Tilde Separated Values option from the File Format list.
      Yes (Conditional)
    • Services - Used to specify the services used to extract the information in the extract template. It contains the following columns:

      Column Name Column Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Sequence Number Used to specify the sequence number of the service. Yes
      Service Type Used to indicate the service type you want to select to extract the information. The valid values are:
      • Business Service

      • Business Object

      Service Name Used to specify the name of the service you want to extract the information.
      Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Schema Type/Schema Name Search window appears.
      Dependent Service Name Used to specify the name of the service which gives the details of the service hierarchy required for the data extract. No
      Post Processing Algorithm Used to specify the name of the algorithm corresponding to the selected service which will be executed post data extraction.
      Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Algorithm Search window appears and corresponding algorithm gets auto populated in the respective field.
    • List Element Extract Details - Used to specify the XPath of the list elements and maximum record count of list elements in a single data line in the extract data:

      Column Name Column Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      List Element XPath Used to specify the XPath of the list element for which the sequence / positions are reserved based on the given record count. No
      Maximum Record Used to specify the number of records for a list element. No
      Note: This section appears when you select the Comma Separated Values, Pipe Separated Values, Fixed Position or Tilde Separated Values option from the File Format list.
  3. Enter the required details in the Extract Formats and Services sections.
  4. Click Generate.
    Field mapping is generated with the details such as Sequence, Field Name and the Source Field XPath in the extract template based on the selected the service.

    Field Mapping - Used to specify the details about the fields mapped in the extract template to extract the information. It contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Sequence Used to specify the display sequence of the field. Yes
    Field Name Used to specify the name of the field to be displayed in the extracted data file.
    Note: If you select the Extensible Markup Language option from the File Format list then the node names gets displayed.
    Start Position Used to configure the starting position of a particular field.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Fixed Position option from the File Format list.
    End Position Used to configure the ending position of particular field.
    Note: This field appears when you select the Fixed Position option from the File Format list.
    Source Field Path Used to specify the XPath of the source field from where the data is to be extracted.
    Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Field XPath Search window appears and corresponding algorithm gets auto populated in the respective field.
    Target Field Path Used to specify the XPath of the target field into which the extracted data is to be saved.
    Note: This column appears when you select the Extensible Markup Language or JavaScript Object Notation option from the File Format list.
    Do not extract Used to indicate whether you want to exclude corresponding field mapping from the extracted information. Yes
    Edit Input Used to indicate whether you want to define the default value for the corresponding field.
    Note: If you select this checkbox then the Default Value field is enabled.
    Default Value Used to indicate the default value which you want to be displayed for the corresponding field in the extract template.
    Note: This field is enabled when you select the Edit Input checkbox.
    Date Time Format Used to specify the format in which you want to define the date and time in extracted file. Yes
  5. Modify the required details in all sections.
  6. Click Save.
    The changes made to the extract template are saved.

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