Membership Cancellation Outbound Message XML Format


We recommend you to refer the membership cancellation outbound message schema in parallel while understanding the below mentioned tags. This will help you to understand how the tags are nested in the schema.

At present, the membership cancellation outbound message is not delivered to the external system. The mechanism to deliver the membership termination outbound message is handled by the implementation team.

Tag Name Tag Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
schema Used to specify the tags of a membership cancellation outbound message. Yes



Displays the unchanged information from an external source system when:
  • A response XSL file is defined on the external system.

  • An outbound message type is associated with the outbound message.

Note: At present, this tag does not contain any information.
Not Applicable
xmlResponse Displays the information from an external source system which is invoked by the real-time message.
Note: At present, this tag does not contain any information.
Not Applicable



Used to specify the outbound message ID. Not Applicable



Used to specify the external source system ID. Not Applicable
type Used to specify the outbound message type using which you want to create the membership cancellation outbound message.
Note: You must specify an outbound message type which is already defined in the system.
Not Applicable
processingMethod Used to specify the method implemented in processing the membership cancellation outbound message. The valid value is:
  • Batch

Not Applicable
status Indicates the status of the outbound message. Not Applicable
extract Indicates the action for processing the records in the batch. The valid values are:
  • Can be Extracted - Used when the records are created with a processing method of a batch.

  • Not to be Extracted - Used when the processing should be held for some reason.

Not Applicable
batchControl Used to indicate the batch control for the membership termination outbound message. Not Applicable
batchNumber Used to specify the batch number. Not Applicable



Used to specify the date and time when the membership cancellation outbound message is processed. Not Applicable
messageCategory Used to specify the category to which the error message belongs. Not Applicable
messageNumber Used to specify the error code. Not Applicable
processSignature Used to specify the process signature. Not Applicable
version Used to specify the version. Not Applicable
xmlSource Used to specify the tag information for the membership termination outbound message. Yes



Used to specify the delinquency process ID. Yes



Used to specify the unique identifier for the health plan. Yes



Used to specify the external membership ID.
Note: Here, you need to specify a membership ID which is maintained in the external source system.
membershipId Used to specify the membership ID. Yes



Used to specify the person ID who is the main subscriber of the membership. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the respective information.




Used to specify the primary person identifier of the main subscriber of the membership. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the respective information.



Used to specify the value of the main subscriber person identifier type. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the respective information.



Used to specify the name of the main subscriber. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the respective information.



Used to specify the member person relationship type of the main subscriber of the membership. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the respective information.
startDate Used to indicate the date from when the membership is effective.
Note: The startDate cannot be later than the endDate.
endDate Used to indicate the date till when the membership is effective.
Note: The endDate cannot be later than the startDate.



Used to indicate the paid through date of the account on which the membership is billed. Yes
cancelReason Used to specify the reason for membership cancellation. Yes (Conditional)
Note: This data is required while defining or editing the respective information.




Used to specify additional information on membership cancellation. No
billedAmount Used to specify the summary of all the original amounts of the bills involved in the delinquency process. Yes
paidAmount Used to specify the summary of all the unpaid amounts of the bills involved in the delinquency process. Yes
errorDetails Displays the error information.
Note: At present, this tag does not contain any information.
ilmDate Displays the ilm date.
Note: At present, this tag does not contain any information.
isEligibleForArchiving Displays the ilm archiving switch. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

Note: At present, this tag does not contain any information.

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