
The following table lists the prerequisites for the pricing parameters feature:

If you want to... Then...
Create a geographic rating area parameter You need to do the following:
  • Ensure that the upstream system contains the geographic rating area details in CSV file.

  • Ensure that the CSV file is available at the desired path on the server, before the file upload batch is triggered.

  • Set the C1-GeoRatingArea business object validation soft parameter (Include Plan Value Details) to either include or exclude plan details (Y/N) before the file is uploaded.

  • Include the C1GEORATINGARCSVUPLD file request type for file upload purposes.

  • Ensure that C1_​GEO_​RATING_​AREA and C1_​GEO_​RATING_​AREA_​REL_​OBJ tables are populated before any memberships are created in the system for derivation purposes.

  • Configure the pricing parameter with the geographic rating area on the pricing rule.

  • Define the required Address Source (C1-ADSRC) and Address Type (C1-ADTYP) characteristic types in the system. Values for these characteristics can be defined either on the policy or plan characteristics level. The address source and address type can also be defined on the state of issue of the policy or plan.

  • Define the parent policy role in the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration.
  • Define the following billing preferences in the Field Mapping screen:
    • Default Address Source

    • Default Address Type

    • Use Plan Details

    • Address Source Value for Policy Holder

    • Address Source Value for Main Subscriber

    • Geographic Rating Area Characteristic Type

    • Address Source Characteristic Type

    • Address Type Characteristic Type

  • Define the default value for Geographic Rating Area Characteristic Type in the Premium Billing Preference screen.

Create a member role parameter You need to do the following:
  • Define the pricing parameter with the member role.

  • The Admin user must define different types of member role structures for step or party, where all the member roles must be defined in the Member Relationship/Subscription Tier Structure screen. These member roles must also exist in the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration.

  • Define the required characteristic types, such as, Member Role Structure (C1-MRLST), Member Role - Derivation Date Basis (C1-MRDDB), and Age Calculation Date Basis (C1-AGCAL) on the policy plan.

  • Define the following set of characteristics while adding the characteristics for the policy plan and also when the premium billing preferences are defined:

    • Max Age of Dependent

    • Max Number of Dependents

    • Order Priority

    • Young Adult Max Age Limit

    • Young Adult Inclusion Applicability

  • The above characteristic types along with the Member Role (C1-MEMRL) characteristic type would be stamped on member person, must be specified in the Premium Billing Preferences screen.

Create a subscription tier parameter You need to do the following:
  • Define the pricing parameter with the subscription tier.

  • The Admin user must define different types of subscription tiers, where all the tiers must be defined in the Member Relationship/Subscription Tier Structure screen. These subscription tiers must also exist in the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration.

  • Define the required characteristic types, such as, Subscription Tier Structure (C1-STRST) and Age Calculation Date Basis (C1-AGCAL) on the policy plan.

  • Define the following set of characteristics while adding the characteristics for the policy plan and also when the premium billing preferences are defined:

    • Max Age of Dependent

    • Max Number of Dependents

    • Order Priority

    • Young Adult Max Age Limit

    • Young Adult Inclusion Applicability

  • The above characteristic types along with the Subscription (C1-SUBST) characteristic type would be stamped on member person, must be specified in the Field Mapping screen.

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