Promise To Pay

The Promise To Pay screen allows you to search promise to pay. You can also add and remove schedule payments. This screen consists of the following fields:

Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
Promise To Pay ID Used to specify promise to pay ID. Yes
Account ID Used to specify account ID for the promise to pay. Yes
Status Displays the status of promise to pay. Not applicable
Created By Displays the user ID who has created the promise to pay. Not applicable
Last Updated by Displays the user ID who has last updated the promise to pay. Not applicable
Type Displays the promise to pay type. Yes
Debt Class Displays the debt class of the account associated with the promise to pay. Not applicable
Current Balance Displays the current balance of the account associated with the promise to pay. Not applicable
Third Party Payor Select the Third Party Payor check box if the payments for the promise to pay will be made by a third party other than the person. Yes
Payor Account ID Indicates account ID of the payor. Not applicable
Start Date Displays the start date of the promise to pay. Yes
Pay Method Indicates the payment method for the promise to pay. Yes

In addition this screen the Scheduled Payments section contains the following fields:

Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
Scheduled Date Used to specify the date when the payment is expected as per promise to pay. Yes
Scheduled Amount Used to specify amount to be paid on the Scheduled Date. Yes
Clearing ID Used to display the clearing ID.
Note: This field is displayed when the status of the Promise to Pay is Active.
Not applicable
Auto Pay ID Used to specify Auto Pay ID.
Note: The auto pay ID can be specified only if auto-pay exists on the account.
Total Amount Displays the total amount payable as per the promise to pay. Not applicable
Note: You can add multiple schedule records with same Scheduled Date but different Auto Pay ID.
This screen contains the following buttons:
Button Name Button Description
Cancel Used to cancel the promise to pay.
Note: The Promise to pay can be cancelled when it is in Pending status.

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How to cancel a promise to pay Cancelling Promise To Pay

Parent Topic: Credit & Collections