Actions Menu

The actions menu at the top of the Customer Dashboard provides access to several tasks associated with customer management.

Figure 4-4 Actions Menu

This figure shows the Actions Menu
  • Alternate Keys – Displays the Alternate Keys window for the customer displayed in the Customer Dashboard. See: Alternate Keys

  • Associate Assignment – Displays the Associate Assignment window for the customer displayed in the Customer Dashboard. See: Associate Assignment

  • Franchisee Assignment - Displays the Franchisee Assignment window for the customer displayed in the Customer Dashboard. This option is only displayed if the associate has access to at least one franchisee. See: Franchisee Assignment

  • Merge - Displays the Customer Merge window for the customer displayed in the Customer Dashboard. See: Merge

  • Preference Center - Displays the Preference Center window for the customer displayed in the Customer Dashboard. See: Preference Center

  • Promotion History - Displays the Promotion History window for the customer displayed in the Customer Dashboard. See: Promotion History

  • Registries – Displays the Registries window for the customer displayed in the Customer Dashboard. See: Registries

  • Security Groups Assignment. Provides the ability to assign or unassign a Security Group to a customer, so that customer details will be protected based on the privileges for the assigned security group. See: Security Groups Assignment

  • Tasks - Displays the Customer Tasks window for the customer displayed in the Customer Dashboard. See: Tasks