A - B - C - D - E - F - G - I - J - L - M - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W



agent client, about using   1

AgentJoinScript template, about   1

AgentJoinURL template, about   1

AgentLoginScript template, about   1

AgentReleaseURL template, about   1


See also Setting Up Agents to Receive Web Calls

blind transfer, performing   1

callers desktop, allowing to view   1

chatting, about typing chat message   1

consultative transfer using chat or voice over IP session, performing   1

consultative transfer using telephone, performing   1

dynamic joint Web form filling, about   1

dynamic joint Web form filling, principles   1

eCollaboration experience, about   1

eCollaboration overview   1

eCollaboration session request, accepting   1

eCollaboration session, ending   1

features available to   1

Follow-me browsing, about   1

mouse point icon, changing   1

Present and Attend modes, about   1

Present and Attend modes, turning on mouse pointer   1

Present and Attend modes, using (procedure)   1

session transfers, about and type of   1

telephone calls, about controlling   1

toolbar buttons, provided to agent and caller   1

toolbar buttons, provided to agent only   1

voice over IP session, about using   1

voice over IP session, changing audio settings   1

voice over IP session, terminating   1

volume levels, changing   1

volume levels, controlling   1

AgentTransferURL template, about   1

architecture overview

components, list of   1

ending session, process of   1

presentation session, about invoking by agent   1

Web collaboration session, process of joining agent to session   1

Web collaboration session, process of joining caller to session   1

attachments, restrictions regarding   1

audience for guide   1

audio settings

agent, changing by   1

end user, changing by   1

volume levels, controlling by agent   1

volume levels, controlling by end user   1

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blind transfer

about   1

performing (procedure)   1



cobrowser, caution when closing   1

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Call Back & Collaboration session, described   1

Call Back session, described   1

call-back, about listing as required   1

caller agent, about using   1


desktop visibility, controlling   1

desktop, allowing agent to view   1

eCollaboration overview   1

eCollaboration session, requesting   1

meeting, requesting virtual meeting   1

toolbar buttons, provided to   1

CallerSubmitScript template, about   1

Cancelled session status value, about   1

capture frame appears, about   1


chat message, about availability and typing message   1

chat mode, about   1

consultative transfer, perform a transfer using   1

transcript, about saving   1

Chat & Collaboration session, described   1

Chat Only session

described   1

ending   1

cobrowser, caution when closing   1

communications configuration

See also Integrating Web Collaboration into a Communications Configuration

agent, associating with   1

communications profiles, about configuring Web Collaboration   1

communications toolbar, about configuring sound   1

consultative transfer

about   1

chat or voice over IP session, performing using   1

telephone, using   1

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See also Present and Attend Modes in Siebel eCollaboration

callers desktop, allowing agent to view   1

Done session status value, about   1

driver, about defining for Web Collaboration   1

dynamic joint Web form filling

See Dynamic Joint Web Form Filling in Siebel eCollaboration

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See Siebel eCollaboration End User Overview

eCollaboration session

agent, ending by   1

eCollaboration session request, accepting   1

end user, ending by   1

requesting by caller   1

end user

voice over IP session, ending   1

volume levels, controlling   1

Back to top


firewall settings, configuring   1

Follow-me browsing

about   1

agent, using by   1

caller's window (diagram)   1

joint Web form filling out   1

pausing and resuming   1

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audience for   1

organization of   1

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components of   1

setup overview   1

In progress session status value, about   1

installation, server

install verification fails   1

install, verifying success   1

installing, about and procedure   1

license key, providing   1

Macromedia (Allaire) JRun, installing and configuring   1

overview   1

requirements   1

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Javascript, restrictions on form filling   1

joint Web form filling

about filling out jointly and principles   1

agent, principles   1

agent, using by   1

Javascript, restrictions on   1


installing   1

JRun classpath, manually updating   1

JRun Management Console, using to configure JRUN   1

overview   1

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license key, providing for Siebel eCollaboration server   1

licenses needed for installation   1

List of Values, associated with Web Collaboration   1

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Macromedia (Allaire) JRun

See Installing and Configuring Macromedia (Allaire) JRun

meeting, requesting virtual meeting   1

microphone, toggling   1

Moderator Request Received dialog box, about using   1

mouse pointer

icon, changing   1

turning on   1

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organization of guide   1

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See Setting Server Administration Parameters

Pixion's PictureTalk server, and installing Siebel Collaboration server   1

Present and Attend modes

See also Present and Attend Modes in Siebel eCollaboration

agents, about using   1

desktop presented by agent   1

mouse point icon, changing   1

mouse pointer, turning on   1

using (procedure)   1

Present mode

See also The Agent's Experience of eCollaboration

downloading software   1

plug-in, about offering download   1

presentation session, meeting and voice over IP session meetings   1

profiles, about associating with communications configurations   1

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Requested session status value, about   1


components for server setup   1

installation and licensing before installation   1

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seed configurations, about modifying for Web Collaboration   1

Server Administration parameters, setting

about and screen diagram   1

minimum parameters, about setting   1

parameters (table)   1

server installation

install verification fails   1

installing, about and procedure   1

license key, providing   1

Macromedia (Allaire) JRun, installing and configuring   1

overview   1

requirements   1

verifying successful installation   1


checking status (procedure)   1

session's chat, viewing text of   1

status values, list of   1

session transfers

about and types of   1

blind transfer, performing   1

consultative transfer using telephone   1

session, eCollaboration

See Ending an eCollaboration Session

session, Web collaboration

See Requesting an eCollaboration Session

Siebel eCollaboration

See also Setting Up Siebel eCollaboration

components of and location   1

end user overview   1

setting up process   1

Siebel eCollaboration client

See also Siebel eCollaboration Client Overview

about   1

caller agent   1

Web collaboration agent, about using   1

Siebel eCollaboration server

See also Verifying Successful Installation

install verification fails   1

installation, verifying successful   1

installing (procedure)   1

installing, about and pretasks   1

JRun classpath, manually updating   1

license key, providing   1

note, about moving to another machine   1

Siebel eCollaboration, administering

See also Checking the Status of a Session

session status, checking   1

session's chat, viewing text of   1

Web Collaboration templates, list of   1

Web Collaboration templates, working with   1

Siebel eCollaboration, configuring

See also Configuring Lists of Values Used with Web Collaboration

List of Values, configuring used with Web Collaboration   1

sound, about configuring on communications toolbar   1

Web Collab Acknowledging view, about and configuration guidelines   1

Web Collab All Activities view   1

Web Collab Request Form view, about and guidelines   1

Siebel Universal Queuing

agent, associating with   1

eCollaboration, about use in   1

Web Collaboration, setting up for   1

sound, about configuring on the communications toolbar   1

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telephone calls, agent control of   1

telephone communication, using for consultative transfer   1


Web Collaboration templates, list of   1

Web Collaboration templates, working with   1


about and figure   1

buttons described   1

sound, about configuring sound on   1

transcript, chat, about saving   1

transferring sessions


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Universal Queuing

See Setting Up a Siebel Universal Queuing Configuration for Web Collaboration

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virtual meeting, requesting   1

voice over IP & Collaboration session, described   1

voice over IP session

about using   1

agent, terminating by   1

agent, used by   1

audio settings, changing by agent   1

audio settings, changing by end user   1

consultative transfer, performing a transfer using   1

end user, terminating by   1

and presentation session   1

requirements for   1

volume levels, controlling   1

volume levels, controlling by agent   1

volume levels

agent, controlling by   1

end user, controlling by   1

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Web call requests

See also Setting Up Agents to Receive Web Calls

agents, setup tasks   1

communications configuration, associating an agent with   1

guidelines   1

UQ configuration, associating agent with   1

Web Chat, about   1

Web Collab Acknowledging view, about and configuration guidelines   1

Web Collab All Activities view, about and guidelines   1

Web Collab Request Form view, about and configuration guidelines   1

Web collaboration

See also Setting Up a Communications Configuration for Web Collaboration

communications configuration, integrating into   1

eCollaboration session, requesting   1

List of Values, configuring   1

session options, list of   1

session status, checking   1

session, about   1

session's chat, viewing text of   1

technologies, functionality with   1

templates, list of   1

templates, working with   1

Web Collaboration channel, about removing from configuration   1

Web collaboration agent, about using   1

Web Collaboration channel, about removing from configuration   1

Web collaboration, integrating into communications

See also Setting Up a Communications Configuration for Web Collaboration

communications commands and event handlers (table)   1

communications configuration, setting up for   1

integration tasks (list of)   1

Siebel Universal Queuing, setting up   1

Web form

filling out jointly   1

Javascript, restrictions on   1

joint Web form filling, list of principles   1

joint Web form filling, used by agents   1



WEB_COLLAB_PACKAGE, about LOV value   1


WEB_COLLAB_TYPE, about LOV value   1

Windows, configuring JRUN on   1

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 Siebel eCollaboration Administration Guide 
 Published: 24 June 2003