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FIGURE 1-1 Sun Management Center Component Layers

FIGURE 1-2 Sun Management Center Server Layer

FIGURE 1-3 Console Logs Into a Server Context

FIGURE 1-4 Sun Management Center Main Console Window Showing an Administrative Domain and Its

FIGURE 1-5 Sun Management Center Agent MIB

FIGURE 2-1 Home Domain

FIGURE 2-2 Domain Manager

FIGURE 2-3 Create Domain Dialog

FIGURE 2-4 Sun Management Center Main Console Window with a List of Current Administrative

FIGURE 2-5 Remote Administrative Domain

FIGURE 2-6 Remote Administrative Domain - Circular Domain Reference

FIGURE 2-7 Remote Administrative Domains - Setting Up for Successful Cross-Monitoring

FIGURE 2-8 Attribute Editor for an Administrative Domain

FIGURE 3-1 Create Topology Object Window--Node Tab

FIGURE 3-2 Create Topology Object Window for Sun Management Center Agent - Module

FIGURE 3-3 Module List

FIGURE 3-4 Creating a Group in the Create Topology Object Window

FIGURE 3-5 Create Topology Object Window--Composite Tab

FIGURE 3-6 Segment Tab in the Create Topology Object Window

FIGURE 3-7 Modify Object Window--Example for a Node

FIGURE 4-1 Tools Pull-down Menu

FIGURE 4-2 Discovery Requests Window

FIGURE 4-3 New Discover Request Window

FIGURE 4-4 New Discover Request Preferences Window

FIGURE 4-5 New Discover Request Window

FIGURE 4-6 New Discover Request Scheduling Window

FIGURE 5-1 Main Console Window

FIGURE 5-2 Search Window

FIGURE 5-3 Domain Status Summary

FIGURE 6-1 Opening the Details Window from the Pop-Up Menu

FIGURE 6-2 Browser Details Window

FIGURE 6-3 Options Menu Selections in Details Window

FIGURE 7-1 System Load Statistics

FIGURE 7-2 Table Components

FIGURE 7-3 Editable and Noneditable Cells

FIGURE 7-4 Checkbox Cell Editor

FIGURE 7-5 The Details Window Showing a Combo Box

FIGURE 7-6 Column Header Context Menu

FIGURE 7-7 Row Context Menu

FIGURE 7-8 Directory Size Monitoring Table

FIGURE 7-9 File Monitoring Table

FIGURE 7-10 Row Adder Window for the File Monitoring Module

FIGURE 7-11 Updated File Monitoring Table

FIGURE 7-12 Row Adder Window for the Directory Size Monitoring Module

FIGURE 7-13 Row Adder Window for the File Scanning Module

FIGURE 7-14 Row Adder Window for Process Monitoring Module

FIGURE 7-15 Sorting

FIGURE 7-16 Scrolling Through Large Tables

FIGURE 7-17 Print Spooler Property Tables

FIGURE 7-18 Row Adder Window for the Print Spooler Module

FIGURE 7-19 Monitored Data Property Pop-up Menu

FIGURE 7-20 Probe Commands in the Pop-up Menu

FIGURE 7-21 Probe Select Dialog

FIGURE 8-1 Graph of System Load Statistics Average Over the Last Five Minutes

FIGURE 8-2 Copying Load Averages Over the Last One Minute to the Graph

FIGURE 8-3 Adding Load Averages Over the Last One Minute to the Graph

FIGURE 8-4 Load Averages Over the Last One and Five Minutes

FIGURE 8-5 Edit Menu Items

FIGURE 8-6 X-axis Editing Dialog

FIGURE 8-7 Examples of X-axis Label Orientation

FIGURE 8-8 Y-axis Editing Dialog

FIGURE 8-9 View Menu Items

FIGURE 9-1 Attribute Editor Info Tab for a Monitored Property

FIGURE 9-2 Attribute Editor Alarms Tab for a Monitored Property

FIGURE 9-3 Attribute Editor Actions Panel for a Monitored Property

FIGURE 9-4 Specifying a Custom Script for an Alarm Action

FIGURE 9-5 Attribute Editor Refresh Tab for a Monitored Property

FIGURE 9-6 Attribute Editor History Tab for a Monitored Property

FIGURE 10-1 Time Editor

FIGURE 10-2 Setting a Cyclic Time of One Hour

FIGURE 10-3 Time Editor With Cyclic Time of One Hour

FIGURE 10-4 Setting the Start Range to Monday

FIGURE 10-5 Time Editor Is Updated With a Start Range of Monday

FIGURE 10-6 Setting the End Range to Friday

FIGURE 10-7 Time Editor Showing a Cycle Time of One Hour From Monday to Friday

FIGURE 10-8 Updated History Attribute Editor Showing a Cycle Time of One Hour From Monday to

FIGURE 10-9 Starting Time of 12:00:00 PM on August 20, 1999

FIGURE 10-10 Time Editor With Starting Time of 12:00:00 PM August 20, 1999

FIGURE 10-11 Cron Tab Selected With 3:00 AM Every Monday

FIGURE 10-12 Time Editor Selected With Starting Date/Time 12:00:00 PM, August 20, 1999, and History

FIGURE 10-13 Time Editor With Starting Date/Time of 12:00:00 PM, August 20, 1999 and History Interval of

FIGURE 10-14 History Interval With Starting Time of 12:00 PM August 20, 1999 and 3:00 AM Every Monday

FIGURE 10-15 Comparison Tab With Greater Than or Equal to 9:00 AM

FIGURE 10-16 Time Editor With Greater Than or Equal to 9:00 AM

FIGURE 10-17 Comparison Tab With Less Than or Equal to 5:00 PM

FIGURE 10-18 Time Editor With Time Interval Between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM

FIGURE 10-19 Alarms Attribute Editor With Alarm Window From 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Every Day

FIGURE 11-1 Load Module Pop-Up Menu in Topology View

FIGURE 11-2 Load Module Dialog

FIGURE 11-3 Module Loader Dialog For Directory Size Monitoring

FIGURE 11-4 Module Loader Dialog for Process Monitoring

FIGURE 11-5 Module Menu in Details Window

FIGURE 11-6 Module Parameter Editor

FIGURE 11-7 MIB-II Instrumentation Module Is Disabled

FIGURE 11-8 Setting a Module Schedule

FIGURE 11-9 Setting Module Security in the Attribute Editor

FIGURE 12-1 Objects With Indeterminate States Identified by Black Star or "Splat" Icon

FIGURE 12-2 Browser Details Window Swap Statistics Alarm

FIGURE 12-3 Alarms Details Window

FIGURE 12-4 Alarm Control and Actions Options Menu

FIGURE 12-5 View Specific Alarms Dialog

FIGURE 12-6 Add Alarm Note Dialog

FIGURE 12-7 View Suggested Fix Dialog

FIGURE 12-8 Action Selection Dialog

FIGURE 13-1 Details Window for a Selected Object

FIGURE 13-2 View Log Screen

FIGURE 13-3 Message Filter Options Dialog

FIGURE 13-4 Monitor Filter Messages Dialog

FIGURE 13-5 SunMC Log File Menu

FIGURE 13-6 Process Viewer

FIGURE 13-7 View Columns Menu

FIGURE 13-8 Hardware Details Window

FIGURE 13-9 Hardware Configuration Physical View

FIGURE 13-10 Hardware Configuration Physical View with Component Details (Property/Value View)

FIGURE 13-11 Dynamic Reconfiguration Pop-up Window

FIGURE 13-12 Hardware Configuration Logical View

FIGURE 13-13 Compressed Topology of Components in Logical View

FIGURE 13-14 Expanded Topology of Components in Logical View

FIGURE 14-1 Remote Server Context

FIGURE 14-2 Example of Security Fields in the Attribute Editor

FIGURE 15-1 Console Window With The New Tools Menu

FIGURE 15-2 Main Group Operations Window

FIGURE 15-3 Set Schedule window

FIGURE 15-4 Create/Edit Groups Window

FIGURE 15-5 Create/Edit Filter Window

FIGURE 15-6 Create/Edit Tasks Window

FIGURE 15-7 Create/Edit Module Task Window

FIGURE 15-8 Create/Edit Task Window - Module Task Option

FIGURE 15-9 Create/Tasks Window - Data Property Option

FIGURE 15-10 Data Property Selection Window

FIGURE 15-11 Update Data Property Window for a Simple, Scalar Data Property Table

FIGURE 15-12 Update Data Property Window for a Simple, Scalar Data Property Table With Editable

FIGURE 15-13 Update Data Property Window for a Vector Data Property Table

FIGURE 15-14 Update Row Action Window

FIGURE 15-15 Create MCP Parcels Window

FIGURE 15-16 Specify Modules in Parcel Window

FIGURE 15-17 The Create/Edit Tasks window

FIGURE 16-1 Modules Status Screen in the Details Window

FIGURE 16-2 Module Loader Screen With Module Parameters Tab Active

FIGURE 16-3 Module Loader Screen with Schedule Tab Active

FIGURE 16-4 Time Editor Screen

FIGURE 16-5 Time Screen

FIGURE 16-6 Load Now Dialog Box

FIGURE 16-7 Confirm Module Unload Window

FIGURE 16-8 Module Parameter Editor Screen

FIGURE 16-9 Threshold Summary of Module Screen

FIGURE 17-1 Tools Menu in the Console Window

FIGURE 17-2 Dataviews Manager Window

FIGURE 17-3 Row-Context Menu in the Details Window

FIGURE 17-4 Open Dataview Window

FIGURE 17-5 Warning Window

FIGURE 17-6 Save Dataview Window

FIGURE 17-7 Save Warning Window

FIGURE 17-8 CPU Utilization Table

FIGURE 17-9 Contiguous Row Selection

FIGURE 17-10 CPU Utilization Table

FIGURE 17-11 Mixing Data Warning Window

FIGURE 18-1 Sun Management Center Web Login Page

FIGURE 18-2 Main Console, Default Domain Selected

FIGURE 18-3 Main Console, Example Host (Shanghai) in Default Domain Selected

FIGURE 18-4 Host Details Info Page

FIGURE 18-5 Host Details Browser Page with Expanded Tree

FIGURE 18-6 Host Details Browser Page with Module Properties Table

FIGURE 18-7 Hosts Details Alarms Page

FIGURE 18-8 View Specific Alarms Dialog

FIGURE 18-9 Host Details Modules Page

FIGURE 18-10 Module Loader Dialog

FIGURE 18-11 Log Page System Log

FIGURE 18-12 Log Page Event Log

FIGURE 18-13 Message Filter Option Dialog

FIGURE 18-14 Attribute Editor Info Page

FIGURE 19-1 Attribute Editor Actions Dialog

FIGURE 19-2 Attribute Editor Alarm Actions

FIGURE 19-3 Main Console Default Domain with Status Summary Panel

FIGURE 19-4 Main Console Contents View With "Go to Host Details" Hyperlink

FIGURE 19-5 Host Details Browser Page

FIGURE 19-6 Host Details Alarms Page

FIGURE 19-7 Host Details Alarms Page Additional Alarm Information

FIGURE 19-8 Alarm Deletion Confirmation Request

FIGURE 20-1 Host Details Browser Kernel Modules

FIGURE 20-2 Kernel Reader System Load Statistics Module Properties Table

FIGURE 20-3 Attribute Editor Info page for a Monitored Data Property (System Load Statistics)

FIGURE 20-4 Attribute Editor Alarms Page for a Monitored Property

FIGURE 20-5 Attribute Editor Actions Page for a Monitored Property (System Load Statistics)

FIGURE 20-6 Alarm Action Modification Dialog

FIGURE 20-7 Attribute Editor Refresh Tab for a Monitored Property

FIGURE 20-8 Attribute Editor History Tab for a Monitored Property

FIGURE 21-1 Software Structure

FIGURE 21-2 Tools Menu on the Sun Management Center Main Console

FIGURE 21-3 Export Domain Selection Dialog

FIGURE 21-4 Warning Message for Nonexistent File

FIGURE 21-5 Domain Selection Dialog (Import)

FIGURE 21-6 Warning Dialog

FIGURE 21-7 New Topology Example

FIGURE 22-1 CLI in Sun Management Center System Structure

FIGURE 22-2 CLI Software Structure

FIGURE B-1 Creating a Server Component as a Monitored Object

FIGURE B-2 PA Process Statistics Property Table

FIGURE B-3 Alarms Tab for the Virtual Size Property in the Topology Manager Object

FIGURE B-4 Event Management Module Data Properties

FIGURE B-5 Module Parameter Editor for the Event Management Module

FIGURE D-1 I/O Error Statistics Tables

FIGURE D-2 Probe Commands for Filesystem Usage

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