When using Oracle ILOM Remote System Console with the Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 OS, the system appears to hang in the final stages of shutting down. The Remote System Console displays the prompt “Press any key to reboot,” but the console does not accept any keyboard input in response to the message. This issue can occur when the Remote System Console eeprom variable console is set to text and when entering the following system administration commands:
init 0
uadmin 1 0
uadmin 1 6
uadmin 2 0
shutdown -i 0
Affected software:
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13
Releases 1.0 and later
When using the Oracle ILOM Remote Console with the Solaris 10 1/13 OS, set the eeprom variable console to ttya.
Set eeprom console=ttya on Solaris, then reboot the system.
From the Oracle ILOM SP, enter the start /HOST/console command.
Press any key in the Remote System Console when the “Press any key to reboot” message appears.