Right-angle AC power cables must be installed before slide-rails when installing the Sun Server X3-2 into a Sun Rack II 1042 (1000-mm) system rack. The standard rail kit tool-less slide-rails impede access to the 15kVA and 22kVA Power Distribution Unit (PDU) electrical sockets in the 1000-mm rack. If you use the standard AC power cables and then install the slide-rails into the rack, you will be unable to disconnect or remove the AC power cables.
You must use the following 2-meter right-angle AC power cable for this procedure:
7079727 - Pwrcord, Jmpr, Bulk, SR2, 2m, C14RA, 10A, C13
Perform this procedure in conjunction with the instructions provided in “Installing the Server Into a Rack” in the Sun Server X3-2 Installation Guide.