Configuring and Managing Printing in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2014

Remote Server Configuration

You can configure CUPS to administer print queues on a remote print server. Typically, you can connect to remote servers within the same local area network (LAN). Only those print queues that are owned by the remote print server to which you are connected can be modified. Each remote server determines whether its configured print queues can be shared or remotely modified based on the Settings dialog for the specified printer.

Published printers are printers that are publicly announced by the server on the LAN, based on how the cupsd.conf file has been configured for browsing. Shared or published printers can be detected by remote print clients but unshared or unpublished printers are not announced on the network.

Note - You must have appropriate authorizations to administer remote print queues. In the Oracle Solaris 11 release, you must provide the root password for the remote server.

How to Configure CUPS to Administer Remote Print Queues

  1. Start the CUPS Print Manager GUI by choosing System → Administration → Print Manager from the desktop's main menubar or by typing the following command in a terminal window:
    $ system-config-printer
  2. From the Server menu, choose Settings.

    The Basic Server Settings dialog is displayed.

  3. Select the following options:
    • Publish Shared Printers Connected to This System – Displays the shared or published printers that can be detected by remote print clients. If you do not enable this option, some printers might not be displayed in the list of available printers when you connect to the remote server.

    • Allow Remote Administration – Enables you to connect to a remote server.

  4. Click OK.
  5. From the Server menu, choose the Connect option.

    The Connect to CUPS Server dialog is displayed.

  6. Select the desired remote server from the CUPS server list.
  7. (Optional)If you require encryption, select the Require Encryption option.
  8. Click the Connect button.
  9. Type the root password for the remote system.

    You can now remotely administer print queues on the remote system in the same way that you administer local print queues.