Configuring and Managing Printing in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2014

How to Delete a Printer and Remove Printer Access

  1. Become an administrator on a print client with access to the printer to delete.
  2. On the system that is the print client, delete information about the printer.
    $ lpoptions -x printer-name

    Specifies the name of the printer to delete.


    Deletes the specified printer.

    Note - The –x option only removes the default options for a specific printer and instance. The original print queue still remains until it is deleted by using the lpadmin command.
  3. Become an administrator.
  4. On the system that is the printer server, stop accepting print requests for the printer.
    $ cupsreject printer-name

    This step prevents any new requests from entering the printer's queue while you are in the process of removing the printer.

  5. Stop the printer.
    $ cupsdisable printer-name
  6. Delete the printer.
    $ lpadmin -x printer-name
  7. Verify that the printer has been deleted, as follows:
    1. Confirm that the printer has been deleted on the print client.
      $ lpstat 
      -l -p printer-name

      The command output displays a message indicating the printer does not exist.

    2. Confirm that the printer has been deleted on the print server.
      $ lpstat 
      -l -p printer-name

      The command output displays a message indicating that the printer does not exist.

Example 2-10  Deleting a Printer

The following example shows how to delete the printer luna from the print client terra and from the print server jupiter.

terra# lpoptions -x luna
terra# lpstat 

-l -p luna
jupiter# lpadmin -x luna
jupiter# lpstat 

-l -p luna
lpstat: Invalid destination name in list "luna"!