A.46 create ServerUpdateRepository

Creates an Oracle VM Server update repository.


create ServerUpdateRepository repositoryName=value url=value enabled= { Yes | No } pkgSignatureType= { NONE | GPG | CA } [ pkgSignatureKey=value ] name=value [ description=value ] on ServerUpdateGroup instance

Where instance is:

{ id=value | name=value }


This command sets the location for the YUM (for x86) or IPS (for SPARC) repository that contains the files to update Oracle VM Servers. This command creates an Oracle VM Server update repository and assigns it to a server update group. The default server update groups:

  • For x86-based Oracle VM Servers, have the ID of GlobalX86ServerUpdateConfiguration.

  • For SPARC-based Oracle VM Servers, have the ID of GlobalSparcServerUpdateConfiguration.

To override either of these default repositories and create a repository that is restricted to a particular server pool, you should first create a server update group for the server pool using the create ServerUpdateGroup command, then create an update repository and assign it to the new server update group. To update an Oracle VM Server, use the upgrade command.

Note that when a new server update repository is created, the repository is added to each of the servers that belong to the server update group. If there is a problem adding the repository to a server in the server update group, an error event is generated for that server within Oracle VM Manager. Oracle VM Manager does not attempt to validate the repository before it is added to each server. If the repository is invalid or, in the case of a SPARC repository, the repository name does not match a valid publisher at the URL specified, an error event is generated for the servers affected.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




A name for the server update repository. This may only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores. No spaces are permitted. For SPARC repositories, this must match a valid publisher for the repository, hosted at the provided URL.


The URL to access the repository.

If you enclose the URL in quotes, you must escape each forward slash (/) with another, for example:


enabled= { Yes | No }

Whether to enable the repository.

pkgSignatureType= { NONE | GPG | CA }

The signature type to verify the validity of the repository, either GPG key (or GnuPG key), CA (Certificate Authority). Use NONE if there is no verification required.


The verification signature for the repository, for example, the location of the GPG key using any of the HTTP, FTP, FILE or HTTPS protocols.

If you enclose the value for the option in quotes, you must escape each forward slash (/) with another, for example:



A name to identify the server update repository.


Optional description for the server update repository. value is a maximum of 4,000 characters.

{ id=value | name=value }

The instance of the object using either the id or name option, for example name=MyServerPool.


Example A.62 Creating an Oracle VM Server update repository

OVM> create ServerUpdateRepository repositoryName=MyUpdateRepository url= \
   enabled=Yes pkgSignatureType=GPG pkgSignatureKey= \
   name=Myx86Repository on ServerUpdateGroup id=GlobalX86ServerUpdateConfiguration

See Also