8.2 Creating a virtual machine from an assembly

  1. When you import an assembly file, each virtual machine in the assembly file is unpacked and stored as an AssemblyVm object. The AssemblyVm object is then used to create a virtual machine template (which in turn is then used to create a virtual machine), not the assembly file itself. Use the show Assembly command to find the name or ID of the new AssemblyVm objects in an assembly.

    OVM> show assembly name=myassembly.ova
      Origin = http://example.com/myassembly.ova
      Repository = 0004fb00000300007f6b93d990fd718c  [MyRepository]
      Assembly Vm 1 = 11a8af41a2_vm_OVM_OL6U1_x86_64_PVHVM ID [MyVM] Name
      Assembly VirtualDisk 1 = 11a8af41a2_disk_system  [system]
      Id = 11a8af41a2  [myassembly.ova]
      Name = myassembly.ova
      Description = Import URL: http://example.com/myassembly.ova
      Locked = false
  2. Create a virtual machine template from an AssemblyVm object using the syntax:

    createVmFromAssembly AssemblyVm instance

    Make sure you use the name of the AssemblyVm object created when you imported the assembly file, not the name of the assembly file.

    For example:

    OVM> createVmFromAssembly AssemblyVm name=myassembly.ova

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.31, “createVmFromAssembly” .

  3. The previous step creates a virtual machine template with the name assembly_name_vm_name, for example:


    You can see a list of virtual machines (and templates) using the list Vm command, then use the show Vm command to get the name or ID of the new template. Clone the new virtual machine template to a virtual machine as shown in Section 8.1, “Creating a virtual machine from a template”.