A.131 removeRefreshServer

Removes an Oracle VM Server that is able to refresh a file server.


removeRefreshServer FileServer instance server=value

Where instance is:

{ id=value | name=value }


This command removes a refresh server from a file server. The refresh server is an Oracle VM Server that is used to refresh the file systems on an NFS file server. A file server must have at least one refresh server assigned to it.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



FileServer instance

The name or ID of the file server.


The name or ID of the Oracle VM Server to be removed as a refresh server.

{ id=value | name=value }

The instance of the object using either the id or name option, for example name=MyServer.


Example A.173 Removing a refresh server from a file server

OVM> removeRefreshServer FileServer name=MyNFSServer server=MyServer1

See Also