A.97 embeddedCreate

Creates an IP address object and adds it to a network related object.


embeddedCreate { BondPort | Port | VlanInterface } instance ipAddressConfig ipAddressConfigType= { STATIC | DYNAMIC } [ ipAddress=value ] [ ipNetmask=value ]

Where instance is:

{ id=value | name=value }


This command adds an IP address and its associated configuration (ipAddressConfig object) to a bond port, port, or VLAN interface.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



{ BondPort | Port | VlanInterface }

The network related object to which to add the IP address (ipAddressConfig object).

ipAddressConfigType= { STATIC | DYNAMIC }

The IP addressing configuration type.

[ ipAddress=value ]

The IP address.

[ ipNetmask=value ]

The netmask.

{ id=value | name=value }

The instance of the object using either the id or name option, for example name=MyPort.


Example A.122 Adding an IP address to a port

OVM> embeddedCreate Port id=0004fb00002000003ea1bffb91ece960 ipAddressConfig \
  ipAddressConfigType=STATIC ipAddress= ipNetmask=

Example A.123 Adding an IP address to a bond port

OVM> embeddedCreate BondPort id=0004fb00002000000a5389824228bdf1 ipAddressConfig \
  ipAddressConfigType=STATIC ipAddress= ipNetmask=

See Also