A.80 edit ServerPool

Edits a server pool.


edit ServerPool instance clusterEnable= { Yes | No } [ clusterTimeout= value ] [ keymapName= { en-us | ar | da | de | de-ch | en-gb | es | et | fi | fo | fr | fr-be | fr-ca | fr-ch | hr | hu | is | it | ja | lt | lv | mk | nl | nl-be | No | pl | pt | pt-br | ru | sl | sv | th | tr } ] [ migrateUsingSsl= { Yes | No } ] [ masterServer=value ] [ startPolicy= { BEST_SERVER | CURRENT_SERVER } ] [ policyMode= { OFF | DRS | DPM } ] [ policyCpuEnable= { Yes | No } ] [ policyPeriod=value ] [ policyCpuThreshold=value ] [ name=value ] [ description=value ]

Where instance is:

{ id=value | name=value }


This command edits the attributes of a server pool. Use this command to change the master Oracle VM Server, change the keyboard mapping, set whether to use secure migration of virtual machines, and to manage server pool policies.

Although none of the options are mandatory, you must supply at least one option.

It is not possible to edit the cluster enable flag for a server pool if there are Oracle VM Servers in the server pool. Attempts to edit this attribute for a server pool that already contain Oracle VM Servers fail and result in an error.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



clusterEnable= { Yes | No }

Whether to enable a clustered server pool. If this parameter is not included, the default is No, so the server pool is not clustered. If this parameter is set to Yes, you must also include either the fileSystem or physicalDisk option to provide a location for the server pool file system.

clusterTimeout= value

Set the timeout value for the cluster in seconds. value is an integer between 30 and 300.

keymapName= { en-us | ar | da | de | de-ch | en-gb | es | et | fi | fo | fr | fr-be | fr-ca | fr-ch | hr | hu | is | it | ja | lt | lv | mk | nl | nl-be | No | pl | pt | pt-br | ru | sl | sv | th | tr }

The key mapping to be used when connecting to a virtual machine's console.

migrateUsingSsl= { Yes | No }

Whether to enable secure migration of virtual machines using SSL.


The name or ID of the Oracle VM Server to use as the master server for the server pool.


The policy by which virtual machines are located when created in the server pool. The default is CURRENT_SERVER.

policyMode= { OFF | DRS | DPM }

Set the policy to use for the server pool.

policyCpuEnable= { Yes | No }

Set whether to enable the policy set in the policyMode option for the server pool.


The time period for the policy job to run. This sets the policy job to run every n minutes, for example, 10 sets the policy job to run every 10 minutes. value can be an integer between 2 and 60.


The maximum amount of CPU percentage usage allowed before the policy must be enacted. value can be an integer between 0 and 99.


A name to identify the server pool.


Optional description for the server pool. value is a maximum of 4,000 characters.

{ id=value | name=value }

The instance of the object using either the id or name option, for example name=MyServer.


Example A.103 Editing a server pool

OVM> edit ServerPool name=MyServerPool name=MyOtherServerPool migrateUsingSsl=Yes

Example A.104 Changing the master Oracle VM Server

OVM> edit ServerPool id=0004fb000002000037db5e362c85a3fe masterServer=MyServer

Example A.105 Changing the virtual machine start policy

OVM> edit ServerPool name=MyServerPool startPolicy=BEST_SERVER

See Also