If you are using CAS to process your data, rather than Forge, there is a subset of application features that you must configure manually in the instance configuration XML files for an application. You cannot use Oracle Oracle Commerce Workbench or Developer Studio to configure these particular features.

The following table provides a mapping between application features and the corresponding XML file where you configure each feature. The instance configuration files are stored in <app dir>\<app name>\config\mdex.

Application feature

File Name


Dimension search


The dimsearch_config.xml file controls how dimension searches behave. This file configures search matching, spelling correction, filtering, and relevance ranking for dimension search.



The dval_refs.xml file allows you to specify a dimension value's ID, whether it is navigable or not, and whether it is collapsible or not.

Property and dimension annotation


The key_props.xml file allows property and dimension keys to be annotated with metadata key/value pairs called key properties (since they are properties of a dimension or property key).

Source data / I18N


The languages.xml file specifies language identification codes for values in named dimensions or properties. This identification allows a single MDEX Engine to contain records in multiple languages.

Partial updates


The record_spec.xml file specifies a property to identify records.

Record search and dimension search


The recsearch_config.xml configures record search and also Did You Mean and automatic spelling correction options for dimension search.

Relevance ranking


The relrank_strategies.xml file contains the relevance ranking strategies for an application.

Search characters


The search_chars.xml file contains searchable characters for your application. The MDEX Engine treats such characters as searchable rather than treating them as punctuation.

Spelling correction


The spell_config.xml file specifies which spelling correction dictionary, or combination of dictionaries, and which languages the MDEX Engines uses to provide spelling correct suggestions.



The stemming.xml file contains an element for each language that is enabled for stemming. The stemming feature allows the system to consider alternate forms of individual words as equivalent for the purpose of search query matching.

Stop words


The stop_words.xml file contains words that should be eliminated from a query before it is processed by the MDEX Engine.

For details about how to configure these files, see the Platform Services XML Reference.

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