If you want maintain a Record Store instance separately from its associated crawl configuration, you can disable automatic management of the Record Store instance by the CAS Server and move a Record Store instance to another host as necessary. This may be useful if storage space for a Record Store instance is a concern and in some migration scenarios.

The isManaged property in a crawl configuration determines whether a Record Store instance is created or deleted at the same time as its associated data source configuration. The isManaged property has a value of true by default. This means that:

If you disable the isManaged property by setting it to false, a Record Store instance is not created when you create the crawl configuration. You must create the Record Store instance manually, or configure the crawl to send output to a file. Likewise, any Record Store instance that you create for a crawl configuration is not deleted when you delete the crawl configuration.

To disable automatic management of a Record Store instance:

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