This procedure describes how to back up the last generation of Endeca records in a Record Store instance and back up the corresponding configuration for the Record Store instance. This task does not describe backing up multiple generations or deltas between generations.

To back up the last generation of Endeca records:

  1. Start a command prompt and navigate to <install path>\CAS\<version>\bin (for Windows), or <install path>/CAS/<version>/bin (for UNIX).

  2. To list the available Record Store instances in the Content Acquisition System, type component-manager-cmd.bat (for Windows), or (for UNIX) and specify the listComponents task.

    For example:

    C:\Endeca\CAS\<version>\bin>component-manager-cmd.bat list-components
    NAME            TYPE            STATUS
    Test         RecordStore     RUNNING
  3. From the list, identify the Record Store instance that contains the generation of records you want to back up.

  4. Type recordstore-cmd.bat (for Windows), or (for UNIX) and specify the read-baseline task with the -a (or --instanceName) flag and the name of a Record Store instance and also the -f (or --file) flag and the pathname of the file to which the Endeca records will be output.

    Valid extensions for the file are .xml (for an XML format) and .bin (for a binary format); the file can also have an additional, optional .gz extension if it is a compressed file. Endeca recommends using .bin.gz because it is the most compact format.

    For example:

    C:\Endeca\CAS\<version>\bin>recordstore-cmd.bat read-baseline -a Test -f C:\tmp\RSIbackup.xml

    The read-baseline operation writes the last generation of Endeca records. It does not write all generations.

  5. To back up the configuration for a Record Store instance, type recordstore-cmd.bat (for Windows), or (for UNIX) and specify the get-configuration task with the -a (or --instanceName) flag and the name of a Record Store instance and also the -f (or --file) flag and the XML file name where you want to save the configuration settings.

    For example:

    C:\Endeca\CAS\<version>\bin>recordstore-cmd.bat get-configuration -a Test -f C:\tmp\RSIbackup_configfile.xml

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