The Forge-to-CAS Conversion Utility, forge2cas-cmd.bat|sh, is installed with CAS at CAS_ROOT\<version>\bin\. This utility transforms the current dval state information, data, dimensions and attributes configuration of a Forge pipeline-based application into a format that can be used by CAS.

You can run the Forge-to-CAS Conversion Utility on top of a Forge output data set to generate transformed data. This data can be directly fed to a CAS last-mile-crawl pipeline during deployment of an Oracle Commerce Guided Search application. You can also use this utility for extracting only the dimension-value-ID mapping information from the input data set.

A full migration from the Forge-pipeline model to the CAS-based record store merger model is a much bigger migration process. It could require changes to custom integration code that you might have written for your Forge or CAS/FCM/Forge implementation. See Migration considerations.

The forge2cas-cmd.bat|sh command has two tasks that you can run to transform data from Forge to CAS format:

$ ./ --help
usage: forge2cas-cmd <task-name> [options]
[Forge to CAS Utility Tasks]
For detailed usage information including task options, use --help-detail
For detailed usage information for individual task options, use <task-name> --help

A forge2cas-cmd.log log file is generated in the CAS_ROOT\workspace\logs directory. All the log messages from the utility are redirected to this log file. The logger is controlled by the file located in the CAS_ROOT\workspace\conf directory.

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