GenericService already implements AdminServlet by creating an instance of ServiceAdminServlet when asked for the administration servlet. Subclasses of GenericService should override createAdminServlet. For example:

protected Servlet createAdminServlet ()
    class AdminServlet extends ServiceAdminServlet {
      public AdminServlet (Object pService) {
        super (pService, getNucleus ());

      protected void printAdmin (HttpServletRequest pRequest,
                                 HttpServletResponse pResponse,
                                 ServletOutputStream pOut)
           throws ServletException, IOException
        pOut.println ("<h1>This is my special admin section</h1>");

    return new AdminServlet (this);

This implementation uses an inner class that extends ServiceAdminServlet. The inner class overrides printAdmin to print out a line of HTML. The default servlet calls printAdmin to insert service-specific HTML between the listing of child components and the listing of property values. This is the easiest way for a service to provide its own administrative servlet.

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