By default, the Oracle Commerce Platform automatically creates a set of standard user accounts, groups, and privileges each time you start your application (except when the liveconfig layer is enabled). Doing so ensures that the necessary accounts are initialized correctly.

On each application startup, the /atg/dynamo/security/AdminAccountManager runs an account initializer specified by the component’s accountInitializer property. By default, this property points to the /atg/dynamo/security/AdminAccountInitializer component.

The AdminAccountInitializer object obtains its information from another account manager (usually /atg/dynamo/security/SimpleXmlUserAuthority), which reads account information from the XML files included in each product module:

<ATG11dir>/module root/src/config/atg/dynamo/security

The Oracle Commerce Platform combines these files, resulting in an account database that contains the appropriate login accounts, groups, and privileges for each module in your application. The account initializer copies this information from the SimpleXmlUserAuthority into the AdminAccountManager each time you start your application.

Note: The Oracle Commerce Platform preserves new accounts and groups that you create, and any changes you make to the default login accounts. Any default accounts or groups that you delete, however, are recreated each time you start your application, unless you disable the automatic account creation feature.

Automatic account creation is disabled by default in the liveconfig configuration layer. If you want to prevent the Oracle Commerce Platform from recreating the default accounts in development mode as well, set the forceCreation property of the /atg/dynamo/security/AdminAccountInitializer component to false.

Default User Accounts

The following table lists the default login accounts for the Oracle Commerce Platform and Core Commerce. You can use the ATG Control Center to change the names, passwords and group assignments for any of these accounts. To learn more about these accounts and the access privileges associated with them, see the Managing User Accounts section.

User Name

Login Name / Password

User Group


Andy Administrator (see warning below)


All Users
System Administrators
Content Repositories User
Commerce Repositories User



Dana Designer

design/ design

All Users


Donna Developer

developer/ developer

All Users


Mary Manager

manager/ manager

All Users


Mike Marketer

marketing/ marketing

All Users
Marketing People
Content Repositories User


Mark Merchant

merchant/ merchant

All Users
Commerce Repositories User


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