One of the most important tasks for an Oracle Commerce Platform server is handling HTTP requests. The Oracle Commerce Platform server extends the basic web server model with various Nucleus services that implement the Servlet interface, and which are linked in order to process HTTP requests. Each servlet performs a specialized function on a request, then relays the request—sometimes in modified form—to the next servlet in the chain. While each servlet performs a unique service, it often relies on changes that previous servlets made to the request. This chain of servlets is called a request handling pipeline.

For example, a typical request might be processed as follows:

This is one of many request-handling configurations. Other configurations might dispatch based on a beginning path such as /cgi-bin. Other configurations might move the session-tracking step to be performed only for files with the MIME type text/session-tracked.

Because the request handling pipeline is composed of Nucleus components that are independently configurable, it is easy to modify, giving you the flexibility that enterprise applications often require.

In this chapter

This chapter includes the following sections that describe how to use and customize the DAF servlet pipeline:

This chapter does not address features provided by the Oracle Commerce Platform Portal module. For more information on these, see the Portal Development Guide.

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