Patch Bay is represented in Nucleus as the component /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager. The definitionFile property of the component MessagingManager names the XML file that configures Patch Bay. The value of this property is:


The name refers to a file within the configuration path, and should not be changed. For example, if the configuration path includes /work/ATG11.3/home/localconfig, the XML file might be found at:


For more information about the configuration path, see the Managing Properties Files section in the Nucleus: Organizing JavaBean Components chapter.

As with properties files found in the configuration path, the DMS configuration file might appear at several points in the configuration path. In this case, the configuration files are automatically combined at runtime into a single virtual file, using the Oracle Commerce Platform’s file combination feature (see XML File Combination in the Nucleus: Organizing JavaBean Components chapter). The resulting file is then used by the messaging system. This allows multiple applications to layer on top of each other, forming a single configuration file out of multiple configuration files. The overall file used by the messaging system is a combination of all those files, in the order they are found in the configuration path.

Depending on how many Oracle Commerce Platform products are installed, the configuration file can be compiled from the files with the pathname /atg/dynamo/messaging/dynamoMessagingSystem.xml within the various Oracle Commerce Platform configuration JAR files, using the Oracle Commerce Platform’s XML file combination rules. To modify the DMS configuration file, you should not edit any of the files in these JAR files. Instead, create a file with the pathname /atg/dynamo/messaging/
and place it in your own application module or in the <ATG11dir>/

To view the full (combined) DMS configuration file on your system, use the Component Browser in the Dynamo Server Admin. Navigate to the /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager component, and in the Properties table, click on the definitionFiles property. The resulting page displays the configuration path file name, the URL of the DTD, the pathnames of the source files that were combined to make up the configured value, and the full combined text of the XML file. Appendix B: DMS Configuration File Tags shows the DTD for the Patch Bay configuration file, which provides a description of all tags used in the file.

This section discusses:

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