The schedule property of a Schedulable component can be set in a variety of formats, which the Oracle Commerce Platform interprets through the PropertyEditor that is defined for the Schedule type.

The different types of Schedules can also be created programmatically by creating instances of RelativeSchedule, PeriodicSchedule, or CalendarSchedule.


You can set a schedule property to a PeriodicSchedule and RelativeSchedule alone or in combination:

You set time-unit to one of the following:


For example, the following schedule property is set to a RelativeSchedule that specifies to start a task in 30 seconds:

schedule=in 30 seconds

The next example shows a schedule property set to a PeriodicSchedule that specifies to run a task every 20 minutes:

schedule=every 20 minutes

Finally, the following example shows a schedule property set to a PeriodicSchedule and a RelativeSchedule that specify to wait 20 minutes before running a task, then run the task every 10 seconds thereafter:

schedule=every 10 seconds in 20 minutes
with catch up

You can qualify a PeriodicSchedule with the string with catch up, which determines whether the PeriodicSchedule tries to catch up on missed jobs. By default, the schedule executes without catch up. For example, you might schedule two seconds between jobs as follows

schedule=every 2 seconds

If a job occurs at 14:00, the next job should occur at 14:02. If the Scheduler cannot handle the job until 14:05—for example, the polling interval is greater than the period between jobs—the Scheduler schedules the next job to start at 14:06, so the jobs scheduled for 14:02 and 14:04 are missed.

By specifying with catch up, you can force execution of the missed jobs:

schedule=every 2 seconds with catch up

Given this property setting, at the first opportunity—in this case,14:05—the Scheduler runs two jobs to compensate for the jobs missed at 14:02 and 14:04. It runs the next job as regularly scheduled at 14:06.


A CalendarSchedule schedules a task to run at designated points on the calendar. For example, you might schedule a task for 2:30am each Sunday, or a specific date such as January 1. The format for a CalendarSchedule looks like this:

schedule=calendar mos dates wkdays mo-occurs hrs mins

You set these parameters as follows:






The months when the task occurs, where 0 represents January.



The days of the month when the task occurs



The days of the week when the task occurs, where 1 represents Sunday.



Occurrences of the specified wkdays in a month—for example, the first and third Wednesdays of the month.



The hours of the day when the task occurs, where 0 represents midnight.



The minutes of the hour when the task occurs.

You can specify multiple values for each parameter in two ways:

You can substitute the following characters for each parameter:

Using the CalendarSchedule, a task is performed if all of the following conditions are true:

The following table provides some examples:

CalendarSchedule S

Task Occurrence

calendar * 1,15 . * 14 5

1st and 15th of every month, 2:05pm

calendar * . 1 1,last 14 5

1st and last Sunday of every month, 2:05pm

calendar 1 * . * 1,13 0

Every day in February at 1am and 1pm

calendar 5 . 2 * * 0

Every Monday in June, every hour on the hour

calendar * * * * 9-17 30

Every day, between 9am-5pm on the half hour

Backwards Compatibility in CalendarSchedules

Early versions of the Oracle Commerce Platform use a 5-field CalendarSchedule. This 5-field format is still supported; a CalendarSchedule with 5 fields is interpreted as having an mo-occurs value of *.

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