The Oracle Commerce Platform installation provides a number of useful optional resources. Some of these resources enable key portions of the Oracle Commerce Platform that are accessible only if web.xml includes them.

Context Root Changes on a Live Site

The context-root context parameter is a mechanism for making a web application context root visible to the ATG Control Center. The Oracle Commerce Platform Scenarios relies on this parameter to inform the ATG Control Center about changes to the context root that is defined for a live site. For more information, see the Personalization Programming Guide.

PageFilter Debugger

If set to true, the atg.filter.PagefilterDebug parameter signals error information to be tracked in a log. The default setting is false. Set this parameter to true if you encounter unexpected behavior and need to provide error information to Technical Support.

Targeted Email

When your site supports targeted email, you must invoke the InitSessionServlet and map it to the appropriate component. See the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.

Dynamo Server Admin

To access the Dynamo Server Admin:

For more information, see Including the Dynamo Server Admin.

Prevention of Profile Swapping

Several Oracle Commerce Platform applications contain preview features that allow users to test content on a sample user profile. The implementation of this feature requires swapping the profile of the logged-in user with the profile selected for preview. If your web application does not include preview features, it is recommended that you disable profile swapping by setting the atg.preview context parameter to false in the web.xml file. For more information, see the Personalization Programming Guide.

Tag Libraries

You can make a tag library available to a web application in two ways:

Both methods are equally effective; and with two methods available, you can support two URIs. You do so by declaring the tag library in web.xml with one URI, and keeping the tag library files, including the TLD that defines a second URI, in WEB-INF.

The following example shows how to declare the DSP tag library in web.xml:


For more information about the DSP tag libraries, see the Page Developer's Guide.

Web Services

You make web services available to your J2EE application by declaring them in web.xml. It is common practice to define web services in their own web application so they are the only resource defined in web.xml. All Oracle Commerce Platform web services are implemented in this way. When you create custom web services in the Oracle Commerce Platform, a new web application is created for them where they are specified in web.xml.

You can include any of the prepackaged web services in an assembled EAR file by including the module that contains the desired services. For example, to include the Oracle Commerce Platform services, specify the DCS.WebServices module when you invoke the runAssembler command. To include web services you created through the Web Service Creation Wizard, use the runAssembler flag –add-ear-file to specify the EAR file that contains the service.

For more information about Oracle Commerce Platform web services, see the Web Services Guide.

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