There are three types of Oracle Commerce Platform ResourceBundles:

The only ResourceBundles that you need to translate to create an internationalized web site are the ResourceBundles that affect the web site visitor’s content.

The visitor’s request locale determines the locale of the ResourceBundles that store user content for an internationalized web site. For example, if the user visits an internationalized Oracle Commerce Platform web site, and the user’s visitor locale is Japanese, the file is used to generate user messages in Japanese.

In order to internationalize an Oracle Commerce Platform web site, all visitor locale files must be copied and renamed for each locale, according to Java naming guidelines. These naming conventions are necessary in order for the Java locale inheritance system to work correctly. The renamed .properties files must then be translated according to the Oracle Commerce Platform translation guidelines.

For information on ResourceBundle inheritance, see the ResourceBundle Inheritance topic. For information on ResourceBundle naming, see the Internationalizing ResourceBundles section. For detailed information on ResourceBundles, see the Java documentation for java.util.ResourceBundle.

By default, the Oracle Commerce Platform does not log the names or prefixes of resource bundles if the server’s locale is set to en by the JVM (see Setting the Java Virtual Machine Locale). To change this behavior, set the logResourceNames property in the /localconfig/ file to true.

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