When you assemble an EAR file, the application modules you specify can contain EAR files, WAR files, and other J2EE entities. The application assembler automatically includes these, as well as the Nucleus resources used by the application modules themselves.

You can also have the application assembler include an existing EAR file that is not part of a module. To do this, invoke the runAssembler command, and use the –add-ear-file flag to specify the EAR file to include. For example:

runAssembler –add-ear-file resources.ear MyApp.ear –m MyApp DSS

To include more than one existing EAR file, use a separate –add-ear-file flag before the name of each EAR file.

Note: Only use this option to include existing EAR files that are not part of Oracle Commerce Platform application modules. To include an EAR file that is part of an Oracle Commerce Platform application module, just include the module name in the list of modules specified with the –m flag. Including the whole module ensures that any Nucleus resources that the existing EAR file depends on are included in the assembled EAR file.

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