The  method supplies various deployment-wide settings to the DeploymentManager's deploy() method. You specify options as one of the following constants:




Causes a full deployment, where only add operations are included in the DeploymentData, and the deployment deletes any information in the target repositories or virtual file systems that is not included in the DeploymentData.


Constrains repository operations so that an add fails if the item exists, and update or delete fails if the item does not exist. If you omit this option, these situations trigger warnings rather than failures. You can also require this behavior through the DeploymentManager property strictRepositoryOperations.


Constrains file operations so that an add fails if the file exists and an update or delete fails if the file does not exist. If you omit this option, these situations trigger warnings rather than failures. You can also require this behavior through the DeploymentManager property strictFileOperations.


File operations set the timestamp of changed files to the timestamp recorded in the source virtual file system. Use this setting with care, as it can confuse production systems such as JSP handling that require reliable timestamps. Specifying this option also sets the noVerificationByChecksum option for full deployments.


Files are always pushed to the target server. Without this option, a file is pushed during an add or update operation only if the file size or 64-bit file checksum does not match.

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