The runAssembler command takes a number of command-line flags that you can use individually or in combination to alter the output of the command. These can be supplied as follows:

runAssembler [-liveconfig] [cmd-options]
layer-name] [-standalone]

Ordering is significant with respect to the following command options:

The following table describes runAssembler options.



-add-ear-file filename

Includes the contents from an existing EAR file in the assembled EAR file. See Including an Existing EAR File, below.


Instead of assembling a complete EAR file, creates a JAR file that collapses the JAR files and directories in the CLASSPATH into a single library.


Collapses all JAR files and directories in the CLASSPATH into a single JAR file in the assembled EAR file. By default, these JAR files and directories are copied separately to the EAR file’s lib directory, and placed in the EAR file’s CLASSPATH.

-context-roots-file filename

Specifies a Java properties file whose settings are used to override the default context root values for any web applications included in the assembled EAR file.

To specify the context root for a web application in this properties file, add a line with the following format:


where module-uri is the module URI of the web application, and context-root specifies the context root to use.

-displayname name

Specifies the value for setting the display name in the application.xml file for the assembled EAR file.


JBoss requires that your web.xml file include the <distributable/> tag when running in a cluster. The –distributable flag for runAssembler automatically adds the tag to all web.xml files in an EAR as it assembles.

If the <distributable/> tag is not included, JBoss does not enable session failover.


Collapses all classpath entries into individual jar files.


Required for applications running on JBoss.

For JBoss, the following line is required in the application.xml file to prevent multiple instances of the Oracle Commerce Platform being started on a single instance of the application server:


The –jboss option adds this line during assembly. Without it, a “factory already defined” error appears during the RMI Initialization startup phase, and a deadlock occurs in atg.nucleus.ConfigurationLock.


Enables one or more Named Configuration layers for the application. This switch can take multiple arguments, each representing a named configuration layer. This option must immediately precede the –m switch.


Enables the liveconfig configuration layer for the application. For more information, see the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.


Instructs runAssembler not to fix servlet mappings that do not begin with a leading backslash.

By default the runAssembler command attempts to fix any servlet mappings defined in a web.xml that do not start with a leading forward slash (/). JBoss does not allow servlet mappings without starting slashes, so runAssembler converts this:




The runAssembler command does ignore mappings that begin with * or with white space. For example, it does not change this:



Overwrites all resources in the existing EAR file. By default, resources in the assembled EAR are only overwritten if the source file is newer, to reduce assembly time.


Packs the assembled EAR file into the archived J2EE enterprise archive format. By default, the EAR is assembled in an exploded, open-directory format.


Includes the comma separated list of jar files on the classpath. This attribute is useful for applying hot fixes. For example:

runAssembler –prependJars hotfix1.jar,hotfix2.jar
myEarFile.ear –m DCS

Note: Special characters appearing in jar file names might cause that file to be ignored. When naming files, use only alphanumeric characters and the underscore.


JBoss 6.1 only; this option should be used only in development environments.

When assembling the EAR file with -run-in-place, runassembler does not copy classes.jar included in the application, but refers to the Oracle Commerce Platform installation for these resources. If during development you make changes to classes.jar in the Oracle Commerce Platform installation, you do not need to reassemble the EAR in order to see the changes.

-server servername

Specifies the value for the variable for this EAR file. This variable determines which Oracle Commerce Platform server directory is used for configuration and logging. If this option is not specified, the default server directory is used. For more information about Oracle Commerce Platform server directories, see Using a Non-Default Oracle Commerce Platform Server in this chapter.


Configures the assembled EAR in standalone mode, so that it contains all application resources, including Nucleus configuration files, and does not refer to the Oracle Commerce Platform installation directory. By default, the EAR is assembled in development mode, where only classes, libraries, and J2EE modules are imported to the EAR file, and Nucleus configuration and other resources are used directly from the Oracle Commerce Platform install directory.

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