A DistributorServer runs as a Nucleus component on each HTTP server machine. When a DistributorServer receives a connection from a DistributorSender, the DistributorServer creates a DistributorReader. The DistributorReader handles the processing of the put or fileCheck command from the DistributorSender.

Installing the DistributorServer

To install a DistributorServer on Windows:

  1. Make sure the HTTP server machine has a Java Virtual Machine installed.

  2. Obtain the ATG Web Server Extensions distribution file, OCWebServerExtensions11.3.exe.

  3. Run the ATG Web Server Extensions file.

  4. The installer displays the Welcome dialog box. Click Next to continue.

  5. Select the installation directory, and then click Next to continue. The default directory is C:\ATG\ATGWeb11.3.

  6. The installer displays the list of web server extensions you can configure during the installation process. Make sure the DistributorServer is selected, and click Next to continue. (If you want to install the Publishing web agent as well, see the Content Administration Programming Guide.)

  7. Specify the port that the DistributorServer should use to listen for connections from DistributorSender components, and click Next to continue. The default is 8810.

  8. Specify the directory that the DistributorServer should use to cache files, and click Next to continue. The directory can be the HTTP server’s document root, or any subdirectory within it. The default is the home\doc subdirectory of the installation directory you previously specified.

  9. Enter a name for the Program Folder, and click Next to continue. The default is <ATG11dir>\ATG Web Server Extensions.

  10. The installer displays the settings you selected. If you need to make any changes, click Back. Otherwise, click Next to proceed with the installation.

To install a DistributorServer on Unix:

Configuring the DistributorServer

The DistributorServer component is an instance of atg.server.distributor.DistributorServer. You can configure it by editing the DistributorServer.properties file in the home\localconfig\atg\dynamo\server subdirectory of the ATG Web Extensions installation directory. The DistributorServer has the following properties:

Property Name



If true, the DistributorServer service is enabled. Default is true.


The port where the DistributorServer should listen for connections from DistributorSender components. Default is 8810.


Directory on the HTTP server where the DistributorServer stores files. Default is the home\doc subdirectory of the ATG Web Extensions installation directory.


A comma-separated list of <host>:<port> entries. If this property is set, the DistributorServer accepts connections only from these hosts. By default the property is not set, which means the DistributorServer accepts connections from any host running a DistributorSender.

Starting the DistributorServer

To start up Nucleus and run the DistributorServer component, use the following command:

startNucleus -m Distributor

If you also have a configured ATG Publishing web agent on the web server, you can start up the Distributor and PublishingWebAgent modules at the same time. In this case, use the following command:

startNucleus –m PublishingWebAgent:Distributor

For information about the Oracle Commerce Platform Publishing web agent, see the Content Administration Programming Guide.

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