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Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.4 Administration Guide

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Updated: August 2016

Dynamic PCIe Bus Assignment

The dynamic PCIe bus assignment feature enables you to dynamically assign or remove a PCIe bus from a root domain.

The dynamic PCIe bus assignment feature is enabled when your system runs the required firmware and software. See Dynamic PCIe Bus Assignment Requirements. If your system does not run the required firmware and software, the ldm add-io and ldm remove-io commands fail gracefully.

When enabled, you can run the ldm add-io and ldm remove-io commands without stopping the root domain or putting the root domain in delayed reconfiguration.

Dynamic PCIe Bus Assignment Requirements

The dynamic PCIe bus assignment feature is supported on SPARC M5 servers, SPARC M6 servers, SPARC M7 series servers, SPARC T7 series servers, SPARC S7 series servers, and Fujitsu M10 servers that run the Oracle Solaris 11 OS in the root domain. SPARC M5 servers and SPARC M6 servers must run at least the 9.4.2 version of the system firmware, SPARC T7 series servers and SPARC M7 series servers must run at least 9.4.3, SPARC S7 series servers must run any released version of the system firmware, and the Fujitsu M10 server must run at least XCP2240.