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Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.4 Administration Guide

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Updated: August 2016


Numbers and Symbols

/etc/system file
updatingindex iconUpdating Property Values in the /etc/system File


Fibre Channel virtual functions from a guest domainindex iconAccessing a Fibre Channel Virtual Function in a Guest Domain
Ethernet virtual functions to an I/O domainindex iconHow to Add an Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Function to an I/O Domain
Fibre Channel virtual functions to an I/O domainindex iconHow to Add a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function to an I/O Domain
InfiniBand virtual functions to a root domainindex iconHow to Add an InfiniBand Virtual Function to a Root Domain
InfiniBand virtual functions to an I/O domainindex iconHow to Add an InfiniBand Virtual Function to an I/O Domain
memory to a domainindex iconAdding Memory
unaligned memoryindex iconAdding Unaligned Memory
virtual disksindex iconHow to Add a Virtual Disk
interrupt limitindex iconAdjusting the Interrupt Limit
CPU resourcesindex iconCPU Allocation
resourcesindex iconResource Allocation
world-wide names for Fibre Channel virtual functionsindex iconWorld-Wide Name Allocation for Fibre Channel Virtual Functions
max-cores constraintindex iconHow to Apply the Max-Cores Constraint
whole-core constraintindex iconHow to Apply the Whole-Core Constraint
endpoint device to an I/O domainindex iconCreating an I/O Domain by Assigning PCIe Endpoint Devices
MAC addressesindex iconAssigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually
automaticallyindex iconAssigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually
manuallyindex iconAssigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually
master domainindex iconModifying a Domain to Assign a Master Domain
PCIe buses to a root domainindex iconCreating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses
PCIe endpoint deviceindex iconHow to Create a Root Domain by Assigning a PCIe Bus
physical resources to domainsindex iconAssigning Physical Resources to Domains
rights profiles
index iconHow to Assign a Rights Profile to a User
index iconDelegating the Management of Logical Domains by Using Rights
rolesindex iconDelegating the Management of Logical Domains by Using Rights
roles to usersindex iconAssigning Roles to Users
VLANsindex iconAssigning and Using VLANs
VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 10 guest domainindex iconHow to Assign and Use VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domain
VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 10 service domainindex iconHow to Assign and Use VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 10 Service Domain
VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 11 guest domainindex iconHow to Assign and Use VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 11 Guest Domain
VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 11 service domainindex iconHow to Assign and Use VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 11 Service Domain
ldm subcommandsindex iconLogical Domains Manager Profile Contents
autorecovery policy for domain configurations
index iconHow to Modify the Autorecovery Policy
index iconAutorecovery Policy
autosave configuration directories
restoringindex iconSaving and Restoring Autosave Configuration Directories
savingindex iconSaving and Restoring Autosave Configuration Directories


back ends  See Alsoindex iconvirtual disk backend exporting
backward compatibility
exporting volumesindex iconExporting Volumes and Backward Compatibility
Fault Management Architecture (FMA)index iconHardware Error-Handling Overview
faulty hardware resourcesindex iconUsing FMA to Blacklist or Unconfigure Faulty Resources
boot disk image
cloningindex iconCloning a Boot Disk Image
from SCSI DVD deviceindex iconBooting From a SCSI DVD Device
booting an I/O domain by using an Ethernet SR-IOV virtual functionsindex iconBooting an I/O Domain by Using an SR-IOV Virtual Function
Oracle Solaris OSindex iconResult of Oracle Solaris OS Breaks
bus assignment
dynamicindex iconDynamic PCIe Bus Assignment
staticindex iconStatic PCIe Bus Assignment


cancel-reconf subcommandindex iconDelayed Reconfiguration
CD images
exportingindex iconCD, DVD and ISO Images
CD or DVD image
exporting from service domain to guest domainindex iconHow to Export a CD or DVD From the Service Domain to the Guest Domain
exporting multiple timesindex iconHow to Export a CD or DVD From the Service Domain to the Guest Domain
changes to PCIe hardwareindex iconMaking PCIe Hardware Changes
domain configurationindex iconChecking the Configuration of a Domain
CLI  Seeindex iconcommand-line interface
boot disk imageindex iconCloning a Boot Disk Image
coherency link scalingindex iconPower Management Features
consoles into a single groupindex iconHow to Combine Multiple Consoles Into One Group
command-line interfaceindex iconCommand-Line Interface
selecting to bootindex iconPersistent Configurations
control domainindex iconHow to Configure the Control Domain
control domain with CPU whole coresindex iconHow to Configure the Primary Domain With CPU Whole Cores
domain dependenciesindex iconConfiguring Domain Dependencies
domain with CPU whole coresindex iconConfiguring a Domain With CPU Whole Cores
existing domain with CPU whole coresindex iconHow to Configure an Existing Domain With CPU Whole Cores
IPMP in a service domainindex iconConfiguring and Using IPMP in the Service Domain
IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC environmentindex iconConfiguring IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment
jumbo framesindex iconConfiguring Jumbo Frames
NAT on Oracle Solaris 10 systemindex iconConfiguring NAT on an Oracle Solaris 10 System
NAT on Oracle Solaris 11 systemindex iconConfiguring NAT on an Oracle Solaris 11 System
performance register accessindex iconUsing Perf-Counter Properties
physical link status updatesindex iconHow to Configure Physical Link Status Updates
SSL certificates for migrationindex iconConfiguring SSL Certificates for Migration
Oracle Solaris 11index iconHow to Configure SSL Certificates for Migration
system with hard partitionsindex iconConfiguring the System With Hard Partitions
virtual disk multipathingindex iconHow to Configure Virtual Disk Multipathing
virtual network devices into an IPMP group
index iconConfiguring Virtual Network Devices Into an IPMP Group in an Oracle Solaris 10 Domain
index iconConfiguring Virtual Network Devices Into an IPMP Group in an Oracle Solaris 11 Domain
virtual SCSI HBA multipathingindex iconHow to Configure Virtual SCSI HBA Multipathing
virtual switch and service domain for NAT and routingindex iconConfiguring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for NAT and Routing
virtual switch as the primary interfaceindex iconHow to Configure the Virtual Switch as the Primary Interface
virtual switch on Oracle Solaris 10 service domains to provide external connectivity to domainsindex iconHow to Set Up a Virtual Switch on Oracle Solaris 10 Service Domains to Provide External Connectivity to Domains
virtual switch to provide external connectivity to an Oracle Solaris 11 domainindex iconHow to Set Up a Virtual Switch to Provide External Connectivity to Domains (Oracle Solaris 11)
ZFS pool in a service domainindex iconConfiguring a ZFS Pool in a Service Domain
to a guest console over the networkindex iconConnecting to a Guest Console Over the Network
console groups
usingindex iconUsing Console Groups
combining into a single groupindex iconHow to Combine Multiple Consoles Into One Group
loggingindex iconHow to Enable or Disable Console Logging
control domainindex iconRoles for Domains
configuringindex iconHow to Configure the Control Domain
decreasing memoryindex iconDecrease the Control Domain's Memory
memory reconfigurationindex iconMemory Reconfiguration of the Control Domain
index iconResults From Rebooting the Control Domain
index iconRebooting to Use Domains
control domain CPU and memory resources
decreasingindex iconDecreasing the CPU and Memory Resources From the Control Domain's Initial factory-default Configuration
recovery modeindex iconControlling Recovery Mode
CPU allocationindex iconCPU Allocation
CPU clock cycle skipindex iconPower Management Features
CPU core disableindex iconPower Management Features
index iconCPU Dynamic Reconfiguration
index iconCPU Dynamic Reconfiguration
CPU dynamic resource managementindex iconCPU Dynamic Resource Management
CPU dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS)index iconPower Management Features
CPU mappingindex iconCPU Mapping
CPU power managementindex iconPower Management
CPU resources
allocatingindex iconCPU Allocation
CPU whole cores
configuring a domain withindex iconConfiguring a Domain With CPU Whole Cores
configuring an existing domain withindex iconHow to Configure an Existing Domain With CPU Whole Cores
configuring the control domain withindex iconHow to Configure the Primary Domain With CPU Whole Cores
creating a domain withindex iconHow to Create a New Domain With CPU Whole Cores
rebinding system withindex iconDomain Reboot or Rebind
rebooting system withindex iconDomain Reboot or Rebind
default services on the control domainindex iconCreating Default Services
disk image snapshot
index iconCreating a Snapshot of a Disk Image
index iconCreating a Snapshot of a Disk Image
disk image snapshot of an unconfigured systemindex iconHow to Create a Snapshot of a Disk Image of an Unconfigured System
domain with CPU whole coresindex iconHow to Create a New Domain With CPU Whole Cores
Ethernet virtual functions
index iconHow to Create an Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Function
index iconCreating Ethernet Virtual Functions
Fibre Channel virtual functionsindex iconHow to Create a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function
guest domainsindex iconCreating and Starting a Guest Domain
I/O domain Ethernet virtual functionsindex iconUsing an SR-IOV Virtual Function to Create an I/O Domain
InfiniBand virtual functionsindex iconHow to Create an InfiniBand Virtual Function
PVLANsindex iconCreating a PVLAN
rolesindex iconAssigning Roles to Users
root domain from entire PCIe busindex iconHow to Create a Root Domain by Assigning a PCIe Bus
VNICs on Ethernet virtual functionsindex iconCreating VNICs on SR-IOV Virtual Functions


drdindex iconDynamic Reconfiguration
ldmdindex iconCommand-Line Interface
vntsdindex iconVirtual Console
control domain CPU and memory resourcesindex iconDecreasing the CPU and Memory Resources From the Control Domain's Initial factory-default Configuration
memory on the control domainindex iconDecrease the Control Domain's Memory
default services on the control domain
creatingindex iconCreating Default Services
delayed reconfiguration
index iconDynamic and Delayed Reconfiguration
index iconDelayed Reconfiguration
delegating administrative privileges
rights profilesindex iconDelegating the Management of Logical Domains by Using Rights
dependency cyclesindex iconDependency Cycles
destroying  See Alsoindex iconremoving
Ethernet virtual functions
index iconHow to Destroy an Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Function
index iconCreating Ethernet Virtual Functions
Fibre Channel virtual functionsindex iconHow to Destroy a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function
InfiniBand virtual functionsindex iconHow to Destroy an InfiniBand Virtual Function
domain configurationsindex iconDetermining the Configuration of Domains
GLDv3 compliance of a network device (Oracle Solaris 10)index iconHow to Determine Whether a Network Adapter Is GLDv3-Compliant
device-specific properties
Ethernet SR-IOVindex iconSR-IOV Device-Specific Properties
direct I/O (DIO)
issuesindex iconDirect I/O Issues
limitationsindex iconCurrent Direct I/O Feature Limitations
managing devices on non-primary root domainsindex iconManaging Direct I/O Devices on Non-primary Root Domains
planningindex iconPlanning PCIe Endpoint Device Configuration
requirementsindex iconDirect I/O Hardware and Software Requirements
domainsindex iconFactory Default Configuration and Disabling Domains
Logical Domains Managerindex iconHow to Disable the Logical Domains Manager
disk images
creating a snapshot
index iconCreating a Snapshot of a Disk Image
index iconCreating a Snapshot of a Disk Image
creating snapshot of an unconfigured systemindex iconHow to Create a Snapshot of a Disk Image of an Unconfigured System
storing by using a ZFS fileindex iconStoring a Disk Image Using a ZFS File
storing by using a ZFS volumeindex iconStoring a Disk Image Using a ZFS Volume
storing with ZFSindex iconStoring Disk Images With ZFS
disk slice  Seeindex iconphysical disk slice
domain configurations
autorecovery policyindex iconHow to Modify the Autorecovery Policy
autorecovery policy forindex iconAutorecovery Policy
checkingindex iconChecking the Configuration of a Domain
degradedindex iconDegraded Configuration
determiningindex iconDetermining the Configuration of Domains
managingindex iconManaging Domain Configurations
persistentindex iconPersistent Configurations
removing allindex iconHow to Remove All Domain Configurations
index iconHow to Restore a Domain Configuration From an XML File (ldm init-system)
index iconRestoring Configurations By Using Autosave
restoring from an XML file with ldm add-domainindex iconRestoring Domains From XML Configuration Files
restoring from an XML file with ldm init-systemindex iconHow to Restore a Domain Configuration From an XML File (ldm init-system)
restoring with autosaveindex iconRestoring Configurations By Using Autosave
index iconSaving Domain Configurations
index iconAvailable Configuration Recovery Methods
domain console
controlling access toindex iconControlling Access to a Domain Console by Using Rights
domain listing
parseableindex iconShowing a Parseable Domain Listing
domain migration restrictionsindex iconDomain Migration Restrictions
domain migrationsindex iconMigrating a Domain
activeindex iconMigrating an Active Domain
bound or inactive domainindex iconMigrating Bound or Inactive Domains
canceling in progressindex iconCanceling a Migration in Progress
delayed reconfiguration for an active domainindex iconDelayed Reconfiguration in an Active Domain
failure messageindex iconMigration Failure Message
from OpenBoot PROM or in kernel debuggerindex iconMigrating a Domain From the OpenBoot PROM or a Domain That Is Running in the Kernel Debugger
monitoring progressindex iconMonitoring a Migration in Progress
non-interactiveindex iconMigrating a Guest Domain
obtaining statusindex iconObtaining the Migration Status for the Domain on the Target Machine
operationindex iconOverview of a Migration Operation
operations on other domainsindex iconOperations on Other Domains
performing a dry runindex iconPerforming a Dry Run
performing non-interactiveindex iconPerforming Non-Interactive Migrations
recovering from failedindex iconRecovering From a Failed Migration
requirements for CPUsindex iconDomain Migration Requirements for CPUs
requirements for cryptographic unitsindex iconMigration Requirements for Cryptographic Units
requirements for memoryindex iconMigration Requirements for Memory
requirements for PCIe endpoint devices
index iconMigration Requirements for PCIe Endpoint Devices
index iconMigration Requirements for PCIe Endpoint Devices
requirements for physical I/O devicesindex iconMigration Requirements for Physical I/O Devices
requirements for SR-IOV virtual functions
index iconMigration Requirements for PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions
index iconMigration Requirements for PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions
requirements for virtual I/O devices
index iconMigration Requirements for Virtual I/O Devices
index iconMigration Requirements for Virtual I/O Devices
securityindex iconSecurity for Migration Operations
software compatibilityindex iconSoftware Compatibility
when active domain has power management elastic policy in effectindex iconMigrating While an Active Domain Has the Power Management Elastic Policy in Effect
domain resources
listingindex iconListing Domain Resources
configuring a failure policy for dependenciesindex iconConfiguring a Failure Policy by Using Domain Dependencies
configuring dependenciesindex iconConfiguring Domain Dependencies
definitionindex iconHypervisor and Logical Domains
dependenciesindex iconConfiguring Domain Dependencies
dependency cyclesindex iconDependency Cycles
disablingindex iconFactory Default Configuration and Disabling Domains
marked as degradedindex iconMarking Domains as Degraded
migratingindex iconIntroduction to Domain Migration
provisioning by using a cloneindex iconUsing Clone to Provision a New Domain
index iconRoles for Domains
index iconRoles for Domains
serviceindex iconVirtual Input/Output
stopping a heavily loadedindex iconStopping a Heavily Loaded Domain Can Time Out
types of
index iconRoles for Domains
index iconRoles for Domains
index iconRoles for Domains
index iconRoles for Domains
DR  Seeindex icondynamic reconfiguration (DR)
DVD images
exportingindex iconCD, DVD and ISO Images
dynamic path selectionindex iconDynamic Path Selection
dynamic reconfiguration (DR)
index iconDynamic and Delayed Reconfiguration
index iconDynamic Reconfiguration
index iconCPU Dynamic Reconfiguration
index iconCPU Dynamic Reconfiguration
memoryindex iconUsing Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration
partial memory requestsindex iconPartial Memory DR Requests
dynamic reconfiguration daemon (drd)index iconDynamic Reconfiguration
dynamic resource managementindex iconDynamic Resource Management
CPUsindex iconCPU Dynamic Resource Management
usingindex iconUsing Dynamic Resource Management


I/O virtualizationindex iconEnabling I/O Virtualization
I/O virtualization for a PCIe busindex iconEnabling I/O Virtualization for a PCIe Bus
ILOM interconnect serviceindex iconHow to Re-Enable the ILOM Interconnect Service
Logical Domains Manager daemonindex iconHow to Enable the Logical Domains Manager Daemon
power management observability moduleindex iconEnabling the Power Management Observability Module
virtual network terminal server daemon (vntsd)index iconHow to Enable the Virtual Network Terminal Server Daemon
troubleshooting through CPU and memory address mappingindex iconDetermining Where Errors Occur by Mapping CPU and Memory Addresses
Ethernet SR-IOV
device-specific properties
index iconSR-IOV Device-Specific Properties
index iconEthernet Device-Specific and Network-Specific Properties
limitationsindex iconEthernet SR-IOV Limitations
network configurationindex iconAdvanced Network Configuration for Virtual Functions
planningindex iconPlanning for the Use of Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions
requirementsindex iconEthernet SR-IOV Hardware Requirements
evacuated I/O resourcesindex iconMarking I/O Resources as Evacuated
back ends
comparisonindex iconExporting Volumes and Backward Compatibility
back ends, summaryindex iconSummary of How Different Types of Back Ends Are Exported
CD imagesindex iconCD, DVD and ISO Images
CD or DVD image from service domain to guest domainindex iconHow to Export a CD or DVD From the Service Domain to the Guest Domain
CD or DVD image multiple timesindex iconHow to Export a CD or DVD From the Service Domain to the Guest Domain
disk slice
directlyindex iconDirectly or Indirectly Exporting a Disk Slice
indirectlyindex iconDirectly or Indirectly Exporting a Disk Slice
DVD imagesindex iconCD, DVD and ISO Images
file as a full diskindex iconHow to Export a File as a Full Disk
file or volume as a full diskindex iconFile or Volume Exported as a Full Disk
file or volume as a single-slice diskindex iconFile or Volume Exported as a Single-Slice Disk
filesindex iconFile and Volume Exporting
files and volumes as virtual disks
guidelinesindex iconGuidelines for Exporting Files and Disk Slices as Virtual Disks
lofiindex iconUsing the Loopback File (lofi) Driver
ISO image from service domain to guest domainindex iconHow to Export an ISO Image From the Control Domain to Install a Guest Domain
ISO imagesindex iconCD, DVD and ISO Images
physical disk as a virtual diskindex iconHow to Export a Physical Disk as a Virtual Disk
physical disk slice as a virtual diskindex iconHow to Export a Physical Disk Slice as a Virtual Disk
slice 2index iconHow to Export Slice 2
virtual disk back endindex iconHow to Export a Virtual Disk Back End Multiple Times
volumesindex iconFile and Volume Exporting
backward compatibilityindex iconExporting Volumes and Backward Compatibility
ZFS volume as a full diskindex iconHow to Export a ZFS Volume as a Full Disk
ZFS volume as a single-slice diskindex iconHow to Export a ZFS Volume as a Single-Slice Disk


factory default configuration
restoringindex iconHow to Restore the Factory Default Configuration
restoring from the service processorindex iconHow to Restore the Factory Default Configuration From the Service Processor
failure policy
configuring for a domain dependencyindex iconConfiguring a Failure Policy by Using Domain Dependencies
Fault Management Architecture (FMA)
blacklistingindex iconHardware Error-Handling Overview
faulty hardware resources
blacklistingindex iconUsing FMA to Blacklist or Unconfigure Faulty Resources
recovering domains withindex iconRecovering Domains After Detecting Faulty or Missing Resources
unconfiguringindex iconUsing FMA to Blacklist or Unconfigure Faulty Resources
Fibre Channel world-wide names for virtual functions
allocatingindex iconWorld-Wide Name Allocation for Fibre Channel Virtual Functions
FIPS 140-2 mode for migrationindex iconFIPS 140-2 Mode for Domain Migration
FMA  Seeindex iconFault Management Architecture (FMA)
virtual disksindex iconVirtual Disk and the format Command


GLD compliance (Oracle Solaris 10)
of network deviceindex iconHow to Determine Whether a Network Adapter Is GLDv3-Compliant
guest console
connecting to over the networkindex iconConnecting to a Guest Console Over the Network
guest domainsindex iconRoles for Domains
creatingindex iconCreating and Starting a Guest Domain
migratingindex iconMigrating a Guest Domain
migrating and renamingindex iconMigrating and Renaming a Guest Domain
removing allindex iconHow to Remove All Guest Domains
startingindex iconCreating and Starting a Guest Domain
exporting files and volumes as virtual disksindex iconGuidelines for Exporting Files and Disk Slices as Virtual Disks
I/O domain creationindex iconGeneral Guidelines for Creating an I/O Domain


hard partitions
configuring systems withindex iconConfiguring the System With Hard Partitions
hardware errors
troubleshootingindex iconHardware Error-Handling Overview
definitionindex iconHypervisor and Logical Domains
Logical Domains Manager andindex iconHypervisor and Logical Domains


I/O domains
index iconCreating an I/O Domain by Assigning PCIe Endpoint Devices
index iconSR-IOV Overview
index iconI/O Domain Overview
booting by assigning an SR-IOV virtual functionindex iconBooting an I/O Domain by Using an SR-IOV Virtual Function
creating by assigning an endpoint deviceindex iconCreating an I/O Domain by Assigning PCIe Endpoint Devices
creating by assigning an SR-IOV virtual functionindex iconSR-IOV Overview
creation guidelinesindex iconGeneral Guidelines for Creating an I/O Domain
migration limitationsindex iconI/O Domain Overview
PCIe busindex iconI/O Domain Overview
using PCIe SR-IOV virtual functionsindex iconSR-IOV Overview
I/O resources
marking as evacuatedindex iconMarking I/O Resources as Evacuated
I/O virtualization
enablingindex iconEnabling I/O Virtualization
enabling for a PCIe busindex iconEnabling I/O Virtualization for a PCIe Bus
InfiniBand functionsindex iconIdentifying InfiniBand SR-IOV Functions
ILOM interconnect configuration
verifyingindex iconHow to Verify the ILOM Interconnect Configuration
ILOM interconnect service
enablingindex iconHow to Re-Enable the ILOM Interconnect Service
InfiniBand SR-IOV
requirementsindex iconInfiniBand SR-IOV Hardware Requirements
guest domain when install server in a VLANindex iconHow to Install a Guest Domain When the Install Server Is in a VLAN
Oracle Solaris OS from a DVDindex iconHow to Install the Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain From a DVD
Oracle Solaris OS from an ISO fileindex iconHow to Install the Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain From an Oracle Solaris ISO File
Oracle Solaris OS in guest domainsindex iconInstalling Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain
using JumpStart (Oracle Solaris 10)index iconHow to Use the Oracle Solaris JumpStart Feature on an Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domain
inter-vnet LDC channelsindex iconInter-Vnet LDC Channels
PVLANsindex iconBroadcast Packet-Forwarding Rules
interrupt limit
adjustingindex iconAdjusting the Interrupt Limit
configuring in a service domainindex iconConfiguring and Using IPMP in the Service Domain
configuring in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC environmentindex iconConfiguring IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment
configuring virtual network devices into a group
index iconConfiguring Virtual Network Devices Into an IPMP Group in an Oracle Solaris 10 Domain
index iconConfiguring Virtual Network Devices Into an IPMP Group in an Oracle Solaris 11 Domain
ISO images
exportingindex iconCD, DVD and ISO Images
exporting from service domain to guest domainindex iconHow to Export an ISO Image From the Control Domain to Install a Guest Domain


jumbo frames
compatibility with jumbo-unaware versions of the Oracle Solaris 10 vnet and vsw driversindex iconCompatibility With Older (Jumbo-Unaware) Versions of the vnet and vsw Drivers (Oracle Solaris 10)
configuringindex iconConfiguring Jumbo Frames
using to install the Oracle Solaris 10 OS on a guest domainindex iconHow to Use the Oracle Solaris JumpStart Feature on an Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domain


LDC  Seeindex iconlogical domain channels (LDC)
ldmd  Seeindex iconLogical Domains Manager daemon
direct I/Oindex iconCurrent Direct I/O Feature Limitations
Ethernet SR-IOVindex iconEthernet SR-IOV Limitations
Fibre Channel virtual functionsindex iconFibre Channel SR-IOV Requirements and Limitations
non-primary root domainsindex iconNon-primary Root Domain Limitations
physical network bandwidthindex iconNetwork Bandwidth Limitations
SR-IOVindex iconCurrent SR-IOV Feature Limitations
link aggregation
using with a virtual switchindex iconUsing Link Aggregation With a Virtual Switch
link-based IPMP
usingindex iconUsing Link-Based IPMP in Oracle VM Server for SPARC Virtual Networking
domain resourcesindex iconListing Domain Resources
InfiniBand virtual functionsindex iconListing InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions
PVLAN informationindex iconViewing PVLAN Information
resource constraintsindex iconListing Constraints
resources as machine-readable outputindex iconMachine-Readable Output
exporting files and volumes as virtual disksindex iconUsing the Loopback File (lofi) Driver
logical domain channels (LDC)index iconHypervisor Supporting Two Domains
inter-vnetindex iconInter-Vnet LDC Channels
logical domain channels (LDCs)index iconUsing Logical Domain Channels
Logical Domains constraints database
restoringindex iconSaving and Restoring the Logical Domains Constraints Database File
savingindex iconSaving and Restoring the Logical Domains Constraints Database File
Logical Domains Manager
index iconLogical Domains Manager
index iconHypervisor and Logical Domains
daemon (ldmd)index iconCommand-Line Interface
disablingindex iconHow to Disable the Logical Domains Manager
Logical Domains Manager daemon
enablingindex iconHow to Enable the Logical Domains Manager Daemon


MAC addresses
assigned to domainsindex iconRange of MAC Addresses Assigned to Domains
assigningindex iconAssigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually
assigning automaticallyindex iconAssigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually
assigning manuallyindex iconAssigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually
automatic assignment algorithmindex iconAutomatic Assignment Algorithm
detecting duplicatesindex iconDuplicate MAC Address Detection
machine-readable output
listing resourcesindex iconMachine-Readable Output
direct I/O devices on non-primary root domainsindex iconManaging Direct I/O Devices on Non-primary Root Domains
domain configurationsindex iconManaging Domain Configurations
physical resources on the control domainindex iconManaging Physical Resources on the Control Domain
resource groupsindex iconUsing Resource Groups
SR-IOV virtual functions on non-primary root domainsindex iconManaging SR-IOV Virtual Functions on Non-primary Root Domains
virtual disksindex iconManaging Virtual Disks
virtual SCSI HBAsindex iconManaging Virtual SCSI HBAs
mapping CPU and memory addresses
troubleshootingindex iconDetermining Where Errors Occur by Mapping CPU and Memory Addresses
master domain
assigningindex iconModifying a Domain to Assign a Master Domain
max-cores constraint
applyingindex iconHow to Apply the Max-Cores Constraint
virtual network performance
index iconConfiguring Your Domains to Maximize the Performance of Your Virtual Network
index iconMaximizing Virtual Network Performance
adding to a domainindex iconAdding Memory
adding unalignedindex iconAdding Unaligned Memory
alignmentindex iconMemory Alignment
for active domainsindex iconMemory Alignment for Active Domains
alignment for bound domainsindex iconMemory Alignment for Bound Domains
alignment for inactive domainsindex iconMemory Alignment for Inactive Domains
decreasing on the control domainindex iconDecrease the Control Domain's Memory
mappingindex iconMemory Mapping
removing from a domainindex iconRemoving Memory
setting sizes for a domainindex iconSetting Domain Memory Sizes
memory DR  Seeindex iconmemory dynamic reconfiguration (DR)
memory dynamic reconfiguration
operations on active domainsindex iconMemory DR Operations on Active Domains
operations on bound domainsindex iconMemory DR Operations on Bound Domains
partial requestsindex iconPartial Memory DR Requests
memory dynamic reconfiguration (DR)index iconUsing Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration
memory reconfiguration
control domainindex iconMemory Reconfiguration of the Control Domain
memory size requirementsindex iconMemory Size Requirements
domainsindex iconIntroduction to Domain Migration
guest domainindex iconMigrating a Guest Domain
guest domain and renamingindex iconMigrating and Renaming a Guest Domain
using SSL certificatesindex iconUsing SSL Certificates to Perform a Guest Domain Migration
non-interactiveindex iconMigrating a Guest Domain
migration limitations
I/O domainindex iconI/O Domain Overview
PVLANsindex iconBroadcast Packet-Forwarding Rules
missing hardware resources
recovering domains withindex iconRecovering Domains After Detecting Faulty or Missing Resources
domain configuration autorecovery policyindex iconHow to Modify the Autorecovery Policy
Ethernet SR-IOV virtual function propertiesindex iconModifying Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions
Fibre Channel virtual function propertiesindex iconHow to Modify Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function Properties
virtual disk optionsindex iconHow to Change Virtual Disk Options
virtual disk timeout optionindex iconHow to Change the Timeout Option
  Seeindex iconvirtual SCSI HBA multipathing
  Seeindex iconvirtual disk multipathing


configuring on Oracle Solaris 10 systemindex iconConfiguring NAT on an Oracle Solaris 10 System
configuring on Oracle Solaris 11 systemindex iconConfiguring NAT on an Oracle Solaris 11 System
configuring virtual switch and service domainindex iconConfiguring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for NAT and Routing
network booting
I/O domain by using an Ethernet SR-IOV virtual functionsindex iconBooting an I/O Domain by Using an SR-IOV Virtual Function
network configuration
Ethernet SR-IOVindex iconAdvanced Network Configuration for Virtual Functions
network device configurations
viewingindex iconViewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics
network device statistics
viewingindex iconViewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics
network devices
network bandwidth limit, settingindex iconControlling the Amount of Physical Network Bandwidth That Is Consumed by a Virtual Network Device
usingindex iconUsing Network Adapters With Domains That Run Oracle Solaris 10
network interface nameindex iconVirtual Device Identifier and Network Interface Name
findingindex iconHow to Find the Oracle Solaris OS Network Interface Name
non-interactive domain migrationindex iconMigrating a Guest Domain
non-physically bound resources
removingindex iconHow to Remove All Non-Physically Bound Resources
non-primary root domain
restrictionsindex iconNon-primary Root Domain Requirements
non-primary root domainsindex iconNon-primary Root Domains Overview
assigning a PCIe endpoint deviceindex iconNon-primary Root Domains Overview
assigning a PCIe SR-IOV virtual functionindex iconNon-primary Root Domains Overview
limitationsindex iconNon-primary Root Domain Limitations
managing direct I/O devicesindex iconManaging Direct I/O Devices on Non-primary Root Domains
managing SR-IOV virtual functionsindex iconManaging SR-IOV Virtual Functions on Non-primary Root Domains
overviewindex iconNon-primary Root Domains Overview


domain migration statusindex iconObtaining the Migration Status for the Domain on the Target Machine
Oracle Solaris 10 networkingindex iconOracle Solaris 10 Networking Overview
Oracle Solaris 11 networkingindex iconOracle Solaris 11 Networking Overview
Oracle Solaris 11 networking-specific feature differencesindex iconOracle Solaris 11 Networking-Specific Feature Differences
Oracle Solaris OS
breaksindex iconResult of Oracle Solaris OS Breaks
installing on a guest domainindex iconInstalling Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain
from a DVDindex iconHow to Install the Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain From a DVD
from an ISO fileindex iconHow to Install the Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain From an Oracle Solaris ISO File
network interface name (Oracle Solaris 11)
findingindex iconFinding the Oracle Solaris 11 Network Interface Name
operating with Oracle VM Server for SPARCindex iconOperating the Oracle Solaris OS With Oracle VM Server for SPARC
Oracle VM Server for SPARC
troubleshootingindex iconOracle VM Server for SPARC Troubleshooting
using with the service processorindex iconUsing Oracle VM Server for SPARC With the Service Processor
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIBindex iconOracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base
for Oracle VM Server for SPARCindex iconOracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base


parseable domain listing
showingindex iconShowing a Parseable Domain Listing
viewingindex iconShowing a Parseable Domain Listing
PCIe busindex iconI/O Domain Overview
changing the hardwareindex iconMaking PCIe Hardware Changes
enabling I/O virtualizationindex iconEnabling I/O Virtualization
PCIe SR-IOV virtual functions  Seeindex iconvirtual functions
planning forindex iconPlanning for the Use of PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions
maximizing for virtual networks
index iconConfiguring Your Domains to Maximize the Performance of Your Virtual Network
index iconMaximizing Virtual Network Performance
requirements for maximizing virtual networksindex iconHardware and Software Requirements
performance register access
settingindex iconUsing Perf-Counter Properties
physical CPU number
determining the corresponding virtual CPUindex iconDetermining the Virtual CPU That Corresponds to a Physical CPU Number
physical devices
index iconVirtual Input/Output
index iconRoles for Domains
physical diskindex iconPhysical Disk or Disk LUN
physical disk LUNindex iconPhysical Disk or Disk LUN
physical disk sliceindex iconPhysical Disk Slice
physical disk slices
exporting as a virtual diskindex iconHow to Export a Physical Disk Slice as a Virtual Disk
physical disks
exporting as a virtual diskindex iconHow to Export a Physical Disk as a Virtual Disk
physical link status updates
configuringindex iconHow to Configure Physical Link Status Updates
physical machineindex iconHypervisor Supporting Two Domains
physical network bandwidth
controlling used by a virtual network deviceindex iconControlling the Amount of Physical Network Bandwidth That Is Consumed by a Virtual Network Device
limitationsindex iconNetwork Bandwidth Limitations
setting limitindex iconSetting the Network Bandwidth Limit
physical resources
assigning to domainsindex iconAssigning Physical Resources to Domains
managing on the control domainindex iconManaging Physical Resources on the Control Domain
restrictions on managingindex iconRestrictions for Managing Physical Resources on Domains
physical-bindings constraint
removingindex iconHow to Remove the physical-bindings Constraint
direct I/O (DIO)
index iconPlanning PCIe Endpoint Device Configuration
index iconPlanning PCIe Endpoint Device Configuration
Ethernet SR-IOVindex iconPlanning for the Use of Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions
for PCIe SR-IOV virtual functionsindex iconPlanning for the Use of PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions
port VLAN ID (PID)index iconPort VLAN ID
power cycle
performing on a serverindex iconPerforming a Power Cycle of a Server
power limitindex iconPower Management Features
power management (PM)
index iconPower Management Features
index iconPower Management Features
index iconPower Management Features
index iconPower Management Features
index iconPower Management Features
index iconPower Management Features
CPUsindex iconPower Management
featuresindex iconPower Management Features
observability module
enablingindex iconEnabling the Power Management Observability Module
index iconUsing Power Management
index iconUsing Power Management
power-consumption data
viewingindex iconViewing Power-Consumption Data
primary domainindex iconRoles for Domains
private VLANs (PVLANs)
usingindex iconUsing Private VLANs
processor power-consumption data
viewingindex iconViewing Processor Power-Consumption Data
Ethernet SR-IOV device-specificindex iconEthernet Device-Specific and Network-Specific Properties
Fibre Channel virtual function device-specific propertiesindex iconFibre Channel Device Class-Specific Properties
domain by using a cloneindex iconUsing Clone to Provision a New Domain
creatingindex iconCreating a PVLAN
inter-vnet-linksindex iconBroadcast Packet-Forwarding Rules
listing informationindex iconViewing PVLAN Information
migration limitationsindex iconBroadcast Packet-Forwarding Rules
removingindex iconCreating a PVLAN
requirementsindex iconPVLAN Requirements
restrictionsindex iconBroadcast Packet-Forwarding Rules
updatingindex iconCreating a PVLAN


system with CPU whole coresindex iconDomain Reboot or Rebind
control domainindex iconRebooting to Use Domains
root domains
index iconRebooting the Root Domain With PCIe Endpoints Configured
index iconRebooting the Root Domain With Non-Resilient I/O Domains Configured
system with CPU whole coresindex iconDomain Reboot or Rebind
domains with faulty hardware resourcesindex iconRecovering Domains After Detecting Faulty or Missing Resources
domains with missing hardware resourcesindex iconRecovering Domains After Detecting Faulty or Missing Resources
from failed domain migrationsindex iconRecovering From a Failed Migration
recovery mode for domain configurationsindex iconHardware Error-Handling Overview
controllingindex iconControlling Recovery Mode
removing  See Alsoindex icondestroying
all domain configurationsindex iconHow to Remove All Domain Configurations
all guest domainsindex iconHow to Remove All Guest Domains
Ethernet virtual functions from an I/O domainindex iconHow to Remove an Ethernet Virtual SR-IOV Function From an I/O Domain
Fibre Channel virtual functions from an I/O domainindex iconHow to Remove a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function From an I/O Domain
InfiniBand virtual functions to a root domainindex iconHow to Remove an InfiniBand Virtual Function From a Root Domain
InfiniBand virtual functions to an I/O domainindex iconHow to Remove an InfiniBand Virtual Function From an I/O Domain
memory from a domainindex iconRemoving Memory
non-physically bound resourcesindex iconHow to Remove All Non-Physically Bound Resources
physical-bindings constraintindex iconHow to Remove the physical-bindings Constraint
PVLANsindex iconCreating a PVLAN
virtual disksindex iconHow to Remove a Virtual Disk
direct I/Oindex iconDirect I/O Hardware and Software Requirements
Ethernet SR-IOVindex iconEthernet SR-IOV Hardware Requirements
Fibre Channel virtual functions
index iconFibre Channel SR-IOV Requirements and Limitations
index iconFibre Channel SR-IOV Hardware Requirements
for dynamic SR-IOV
index iconDynamic SR-IOV Configuration Requirements
index iconDynamic SR-IOV Software Requirements
for maximizing virtual network performanceindex iconHardware and Software Requirements
for static SR-IOVindex iconStatic SR-IOV Software Requirements
InfiniBand SR-IOVindex iconInfiniBand SR-IOV Hardware Requirements
PVLANsindex iconPVLAN Requirements
resource groupsindex iconResource Group Requirements and Restrictions
SR-IOVindex iconSR-IOV Hardware and Software Requirements
resource allocationindex iconResource Allocation
resource configurationindex iconResource Configuration
resource constraints
listingindex iconListing Constraints
resource groups
managingindex iconUsing Resource Groups
requirementsindex iconResource Group Requirements and Restrictions
restrictionsindex iconResource Group Requirements and Restrictions
resource management
dynamicindex iconDynamic Resource Management
resources  See Alsoindex iconvirtual devices
allocatingindex iconResource Allocation
definitionindex iconHypervisor Supporting Two Domains
flag definitions in outputindex iconFlag Definitions
autosave configuration directoriesindex iconSaving and Restoring Autosave Configuration Directories
domain configurations
index iconHow to Restore a Domain Configuration From an XML File (ldm init-system)
index iconRestoring Configurations By Using Autosave
from an XML file with ldm add-domainindex iconRestoring Domains From XML Configuration Files
from an XML file with ldm init-systemindex iconHow to Restore a Domain Configuration From an XML File (ldm init-system)
factory default configurationindex iconHow to Restore the Factory Default Configuration
factory default configuration from the service processorindex iconHow to Restore the Factory Default Configuration From the Service Processor
Logical Domains constraints databaseindex iconSaving and Restoring the Logical Domains Constraints Database File
PVLANsindex iconBroadcast Packet-Forwarding Rules
resource groupsindex iconResource Group Requirements and Restrictions
rights profiles
index iconHow to Assign a Rights Profile to a User
index iconDelegating the Management of Logical Domains by Using Rights
ro option
virtual disk back endindex iconRead-only (ro) Option
assigningindex iconDelegating the Management of Logical Domains by Using Rights
assigning to usersindex iconAssigning Roles to Users
creatingindex iconAssigning Roles to Users
domainsindex iconRoles for Domains
root domains
index iconCreating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses
index iconRoles for Domains
creatingindex iconHow to Create a Root Domain by Assigning a PCIe Bus
creating by assigning PCIe busesindex iconCreating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses
index iconRebooting the Root Domain With PCIe Endpoints Configured
index iconRebooting the Root Domain With Non-Resilient I/O Domains Configured
configuring virtual switch and service domainindex iconConfiguring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for NAT and Routing


autosave configuration directoriesindex iconSaving and Restoring Autosave Configuration Directories
domain configurations
index iconSaving Domain Configurations
index iconAvailable Configuration Recovery Methods
Logical Domains constraints databaseindex iconSaving and Restoring the Logical Domains Constraints Database File
SCSI and virtual diskindex iconVirtual Disk and SCSI
SCSI and virtual SCSI HBAsindex iconVirtual SCSI HBA and SCSI
performing power cycle onindex iconPerforming a Power Cycle of a Server
service domains
index iconVirtual Input/Output
index iconRoles for Domains
configuring a ZFS poolindex iconConfiguring a ZFS Pool in a Service Domain
service processor (SP)
monitoring and running physical machinesindex iconHypervisor Supporting Two Domains
restoring factory default configurationindex iconHow to Restore the Factory Default Configuration From the Service Processor
using Oracle VM Server for SPARC withindex iconUsing Oracle VM Server for SPARC With the Service Processor
memory sizes for a domainindex iconSetting Domain Memory Sizes
physical network bandwidth limitindex iconSetting the Network Bandwidth Limit
power limitindex iconPower Management Features
slice 2
exportingindex iconHow to Export Slice 2
slice option
virtual disk back endindex iconSlice (slice) Option
Solaris power aware dispatcher (PAD)index iconPower Management Features
Solaris Volume Manager
usingindex iconUsing Solaris Volume Manager With Virtual Disks
using with virtual disksindex iconUsing Virtual Disks With Solaris Volume Manager
SR-IOVindex iconSR-IOV Overview
dynamicindex iconDynamic SR-IOV
Ethernet device-specific propertiesindex iconEthernet Device-Specific and Network-Specific Properties
function typesindex iconUsing Virtual Functions and a Physical Function in an I/O Domain
limitationsindex iconCurrent SR-IOV Feature Limitations
requirementsindex iconSR-IOV Hardware and Software Requirements
requirements for dynamic
index iconDynamic SR-IOV Configuration Requirements
index iconDynamic SR-IOV Software Requirements
requirements for staticindex iconStatic SR-IOV Software Requirements
staticindex iconStatic SR-IOV
SR-IOV virtual functions  Seeindex iconvirtual functions
SSL certificates
migratingindex iconUsing SSL Certificates to Perform a Guest Domain Migration
SSL certificates for migration
configuringindex iconConfiguring SSL Certificates for Migration
Oracle Solaris 11index iconHow to Configure SSL Certificates for Migration
guest domainsindex iconCreating and Starting a Guest Domain
heavily loaded domainindex iconStopping a Heavily Loaded Domain Can Time Out
disk image by using a ZFS fileindex iconStoring a Disk Image Using a ZFS File
disk image by using a ZFS volumeindex iconStoring a Disk Image Using a ZFS Volume
disk images with ZFSindex iconStoring Disk Images With ZFS
SUNWldm packageindex iconCommand-Line Interface
system controller  Seeindex iconservice processor (SP)


timeout option
virtual disksindex iconHow to Change the Timeout Option
mapping CPU and memory addressesindex iconDetermining Where Errors Occur by Mapping CPU and Memory Addresses
Oracle VM Server for SPARCindex iconOracle VM Server for SPARC Troubleshooting
trusted virtual networksindex iconUsing Trusted Virtual Networks


faulty hardware resourcesindex iconUsing FMA to Blacklist or Unconfigure Faulty Resources
universally unique identifiers (UUID)index iconUsing Universally Unique Identifiers
/etc/system fileindex iconUpdating Property Values in the /etc/system File
PVLANsindex iconCreating a PVLAN
link-based IPMPindex iconUsing Link-Based IPMP in Oracle VM Server for SPARC Virtual Networking
verified bootindex iconUsing Verified Boot
VLANsindex iconAssigning and Using VLANs
utilization statisticsindex iconUtilization Statistic Definition


verified boot
usingindex iconUsing Verified Boot
presence of virtual SCSI HBAsindex iconVerifying the Presence of a Virtual SCSI HBA
ILOM interconnect configurationindex iconHow to Verify the ILOM Interconnect Configuration
network device configurationsindex iconViewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics
network device statisticsindex iconViewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics
parseable domain listingindex iconShowing a Parseable Domain Listing
power-consumption dataindex iconViewing Power-Consumption Data
processor power-consumption dataindex iconViewing Processor Power-Consumption Data
virtual domain informationindex iconVirtual Domain Information Command and API
virtual CPU
determining the corresponding physical CPU numberindex iconDetermining the Virtual CPU That Corresponds to a Physical CPU Number
virtual device identifierindex iconVirtual Device Identifier and Network Interface Name
virtual devices
I/Oindex iconVirtual Input/Output
virtual console concentrator (vcc)index iconVirtual Console
virtual disk client (vdc)index iconVirtual Storage
virtual disk service (vds)index iconVirtual Storage
virtual network (vnet)index iconVirtual Network
virtual switch (vsw)index iconVirtual Network
virtual disksindex iconIntroduction to Virtual Disks
addingindex iconHow to Add a Virtual Disk
appearanceindex iconVirtual Disk Appearance
back endindex iconVirtual Disk Back End
back end excl optionindex iconExclusive (excl) Option
back end exportingindex iconHow to Export a Virtual Disk Back End Multiple Times
back end exporting as a full diskindex iconFull Disk
back end exporting as a single-slice diskindex iconSingle-Slice Disk
back end optionsindex iconVirtual Disk Back End Options
back end ro optionindex iconRead-only (ro) Option
back end slice optionindex iconSlice (slice) Option
configuring multipathingindex iconHow to Configure Virtual Disk Multipathing
device nameindex iconVirtual Disk Identifier and Device Name
disk identifierindex iconVirtual Disk Identifier and Device Name
exporting from a physical diskindex iconHow to Export a Physical Disk as a Virtual Disk
exporting from a physical disk sliceindex iconHow to Export a Physical Disk Slice as a Virtual Disk
format command andindex iconVirtual Disk and the format Command
issuesindex iconVirtual Disk Issues
managingindex iconManaging Virtual Disks
modifying optionsindex iconHow to Change Virtual Disk Options
modifying timeout optionindex iconHow to Change the Timeout Option
index iconVirtual Disk Multipathing and Virtual Disk Timeout
index iconConfiguring Virtual Disk Multipathing
removingindex iconHow to Remove a Virtual Disk
SCSI andindex iconVirtual Disk and SCSI
index iconVirtual Disk Timeout
index iconVirtual Disk Multipathing and Virtual Disk Timeout
using with Solaris Volume Managerindex iconUsing Virtual Disks With Solaris Volume Manager
using with volume managersindex iconUsing Virtual Disks With Volume Managers
using with VxVMindex iconUsing Virtual Disks When VxVM Is Installed
using with ZFS
index iconUsing ZFS With Virtual Disks
index iconUsing ZFS With Virtual Disks
virtual domain information
APIindex iconVirtual Domain Information Command and API
virtinfoindex iconVirtual Domain Information Command and API
virtual function
Ethernet network booting an I/O domain by using anindex iconBooting an I/O Domain by Using an SR-IOV Virtual Function
virtual functionsindex iconPlanning for the Use of PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions
accessing Fibre Channel from a guest domainindex iconAccessing a Fibre Channel Virtual Function in a Guest Domain
adding Ethernet to an I/O domainindex iconHow to Add an Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Function to an I/O Domain
adding Fibre Channel to an I/O domainindex iconHow to Add a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function to an I/O Domain
adding InfiniBand to a root domainindex iconHow to Add an InfiniBand Virtual Function to a Root Domain
adding InfiniBand to an I/O domainindex iconHow to Add an InfiniBand Virtual Function to an I/O Domain
creating an I/O domainindex iconUsing an SR-IOV Virtual Function to Create an I/O Domain
creating Ethernet
index iconHow to Create an Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Function
index iconCreating Ethernet Virtual Functions
creating Ethernet VNICs onindex iconCreating VNICs on SR-IOV Virtual Functions
creating Fibre Channelindex iconHow to Create a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function
creating InfiniBandindex iconHow to Create an InfiniBand Virtual Function
destroying Ethernet
index iconHow to Destroy an Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Function
index iconCreating Ethernet Virtual Functions
destroying Fibre Channelindex iconHow to Destroy a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function
destroying InfiniBandindex iconHow to Destroy an InfiniBand Virtual Function
device-specific Fibre Channel propertiesindex iconFibre Channel Device Class-Specific Properties
index iconCreating Ethernet Virtual Functions
index iconUsing Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions
Fibre Channelindex iconUsing Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions
Fibre Channel limitationsindex iconFibre Channel SR-IOV Requirements and Limitations
Fibre Channel requirements
index iconFibre Channel SR-IOV Requirements and Limitations
index iconFibre Channel SR-IOV Hardware Requirements
InfiniBandindex iconUsing InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions
listing InfiniBandindex iconListing InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions
modifying Ethernet propertiesindex iconModifying Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions
modifying Fibre Channel propertiesindex iconHow to Modify Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function Properties
removing Fibre Channel from an I/O domainindex iconHow to Remove a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function From an I/O Domain
removing from an I/O domainindex iconHow to Remove an Ethernet Virtual SR-IOV Function From an I/O Domain
removing InfiniBand to a root domainindex iconHow to Remove an InfiniBand Virtual Function From a Root Domain
removing InfiniBand to an I/O domainindex iconHow to Remove an InfiniBand Virtual Function From an I/O Domain
using to create an I/O domainindex iconHow to Create an I/O Domain by Assigning an SR-IOV Virtual Function to It
virtual input/outputindex iconVirtual Input/Output
virtual machineindex iconHypervisor Supporting Two Domains
virtual networkindex iconIntroduction to a Virtual Network
maximizing performance
index iconConfiguring Your Domains to Maximize the Performance of Your Virtual Network
index iconMaximizing Virtual Network Performance
virtual network devicesindex iconVirtual Network Device
controlling amount of physical network bandwidthindex iconControlling the Amount of Physical Network Bandwidth That Is Consumed by a Virtual Network Device
virtual network terminal server daemon (vntsd)index iconVirtual Console
enablingindex iconHow to Enable the Virtual Network Terminal Server Daemon
virtual SCSI HBA and virtual SAN configurationsindex iconVirtual SCSI HBA and Virtual SAN Configurations
virtual SCSI HBAs
appearanceindex iconAppearance of Virtual LUNs in a Guest Domain
configuring multipathingindex iconHow to Configure Virtual SCSI HBA Multipathing
device nameindex iconVirtual SCSI HBA Identifier and Device Name
identifierindex iconVirtual SCSI HBA Identifier and Device Name
managingindex iconManaging Virtual SCSI HBAs
multipathingindex iconConfiguring Virtual SCSI HBA Multipathing
SCSI andindex iconVirtual SCSI HBA and SCSI
index iconVirtual SCSI HBA Timeout
index iconSetting the Virtual SCSI HBA Timeout Option
verify presence ofindex iconVerifying the Presence of a Virtual SCSI HBA
virtual switchindex iconVirtual Switch
configuring as the primary interfaceindex iconHow to Configure the Virtual Switch as the Primary Interface
configuring on Oracle Solaris 10 service domain to provide external connectivity to domainsindex iconHow to Set Up a Virtual Switch on Oracle Solaris 10 Service Domains to Provide External Connectivity to Domains
configuring to provide external connectivity to an Oracle Solaris 11 domainindex iconHow to Set Up a Virtual Switch to Provide External Connectivity to Domains (Oracle Solaris 11)
assigningindex iconAssigning and Using VLANs
assigning in an Oracle Solaris 10 guest domainindex iconHow to Assign and Use VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domain
assigning in an Oracle Solaris 10 service domainindex iconHow to Assign and Use VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 10 Service Domain
assigning in an Oracle Solaris 11 guest domainindex iconHow to Assign and Use VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 11 Guest Domain
assigning in an Oracle Solaris 11 service domainindex iconHow to Assign and Use VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 11 Service Domain
usingindex iconAssigning and Using VLANs
VLAN ID (VID)index iconVLAN ID
VLAN tagging
usingindex iconUsing VLAN Tagging
creating SR-IOV virtual functionsindex iconCreating VNICs on SR-IOV Virtual Functions
volume managers
using with virtual disksindex iconUsing Virtual Disks With Volume Managers
usingindex iconUsing VxVM With Virtual Disks
using with virtual disksindex iconUsing Virtual Disks When VxVM Is Installed


whole-core constraint
applyingindex iconHow to Apply the Whole-Core Constraint


storing disk images withindex iconStoring Disk Images With ZFS
using with virtual disksindex iconUsing ZFS With Virtual Disks
virtual disks andindex iconUsing ZFS With Virtual Disks
ZFS file
storing a disk image by using aindex iconStoring a Disk Image Using a ZFS File
ZFS pool
configuring in a service domainindex iconConfiguring a ZFS Pool in a Service Domain
ZFS volume
exporting as a full diskindex iconHow to Export a ZFS Volume as a Full Disk
exporting as a single-slice diskindex iconHow to Export a ZFS Volume as a Single-Slice Disk
storing a disk image by using aindex iconStoring a Disk Image Using a ZFS Volume
ZFS volumes
exporting a virtual disk back end multiple timesindex iconHow to Export a Virtual Disk Back End Multiple Times