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Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.4 Administration Guide

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Updated: August 2016

Static SR-IOV

The static SR-IOV method requires that the root domain be in delayed reconfiguration or the I/O domain be stopped while performing SR-IOV operations. After you complete the configuration steps on the root domain, you must reboot it. You must use this method when the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.1 firmware is not installed in the system or when the OS version that is installed in the respective domain does not support dynamic SR-IOV.

To create or destroy an SR-IOV virtual function, you first must initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the root domain. Then you can run one or more ldm create-vf and ldm destroy-vf commands to configure the virtual functions. Finally, reboot the root domain. The following commands show how to create a virtual function on a non-primary root domain:

primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain-name
primary# ldm create-vf pf-name
primary# ldm stop-domain -r root-domain-name
primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

To statically add a virtual function to or remove one from a guest domain, you must first stop the guest domain. Then perform the ldm add-io and ldm remove-io commands to configure the virtual functions. After the changes are complete, start the domain. The following commands show how to assign a virtual function in this way:

primary# ldm stop guest-domain
primary# ldm add-io vf-name guest-domain
primary# ldm start guest-domain

You can also add a virtual function to or remove one from a root domain instead of a guest domain. To add an SR-IOV virtual function to or remove one from a root domain, first initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the root domain. Then, you can run one or more of the ldm add-io and ldm remove-io commands. Finally, reboot the root domain.

To minimize domain downtime, plan ahead before configuring virtual functions.

Note - InfiniBand SR-IOV devices are supported only with static SR-IOV.

Static SR-IOV Software Requirements

For information about SR-IOV hardware and software requirements, see https://support.oracle.com/CSP/main/article?cmd=show&type=NOT&doctype=REFERENCE&id=1325454.1.

You can use the ldm set-io or ldm add-io command to set the iov property to on. You can also use the ldm add-domain or ldm set-domain command to set the rc-add-policy property to iov. See the ldm(1M) man page.

Rebooting the root domain affects SR-IOV, so carefully plan your direct I/O configuration changes to maximize the SR-IOV related changes to the root domain and to minimize root domain reboots.