Coupons let you make promotions available only to shoppers who enter a valid coupon code at checkout. You can create a coupon with one code that can be used by anyone or a batch of unique codes all based on a prefix that you create. If you add a coupon code to a promotion, shoppers must provide the coupon code to apply the promotion to their order.

You cannot edit the code after you create it but you can delete it and create a new one. Coupon codes are case sensitive and must be unique across all promotions, even promotions that are not enabled.

On the Marketing tab, you can create one coupon code per promotion. However, you can use the Admin API to associate more than one coupon with a promotion. If a promotion has multiple coupons or coupon batches associated with it, the promotion’s details page displays the number of coupons and coupon batches, plus the ID for the first of each.

Important: If you delete all a promotion’s coupons, Commerce Cloud automatically disables the promotion until you associate it with at least one coupon or coupon batch and then re-enable it by selecting the Enabled checkbox on the promotion’s details page. See Enable and disable promotions for more information.

To create a coupon with one code that can be used by anyone:

  1. On the Marketing tab, click the promotion you want to associate with a coupon code.

  2. In the promotion’s details pane, click Create Coupon.

  3. Select Single Code.

  4. Enter the coupon code.

    Each coupon code must be unique; you cannot use the same one for multiple promotions.

  5. Enter the number of times an individual shopper can use the coupon or select Unlimited to create a coupon that has unlimited use during the time that the promotion is enabled.

  6. Click Create.

To create a batch of unique coupon codes based on a prefix you specify:

  1. On the Marketing tab, click the promotion you want to associate with a coupon code.

  2. In the promotion’s details pane, click Create Coupon.

  3. Select Batch of Codes.

  4. Enter the coupon code prefix.

    Each prefix must be unique; you cannot use the same one for multiple promotions.

  5. Enter the number of coupons to create.

  6. Enter the number of times an individual shopper can use the coupon or select Unlimited to create a coupon that has unlimited use during the time that the promotion is enabled.

  7. Click Create.

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