By default, Oracle Commerce Cloud maintains one set of inventory values for each product or SKU. These values represent inventory levels for an online-only store. If your store also has physical (“brick and mortar”) locations, however, you may want to maintain separate inventory data for each location, so you can provide information to online customers about where they can find specific items.

You can manage inventory data for the default location (that is, the online-only store) using the administration interface. To manage inventory data for other locations, you must use the Admin API.

This section describes how to use the Admin API to create locations and manage location-specific inventory data. It includes the following topics:

Note that any changes you make to inventory are reflected on the storefront immediately. However, when you create or modify a location, you must publish these changes before they appear on the storefront. Also, note that the Store API has endpoints for retrieving locations and inventory data, but not for creating or modifying these resources.

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