Once the order data is successfully received by the order management system, any further processing of the order occurs in the OMS. For example, the status of the order changes in the OMS when payment is received and when the order is shipped.

To keep the order up to date in Oracle Commerce Cloud, the OMS can submit requests to the endpoints of the Orders resource when changes occur to the order. Typically, the update will involve changing the values of properties that store information about the state of either the order itself or components of the order, such as shipping groups. For example, when the OMS begins processing the order, it can use a PUT request to change the state property of the order object from SUBMITTED to PROCESSING:

PUT /ccadmin/v1/orders/o10406 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
x-ccasset-language: en
Content-Type: application/json

{"state": "PROCESSING"}

The properties of an order are described in the documentation for the /ccadmin/v1/orders/{id} endpoint. (See Learn about the APIs for information about accessing endpoint documentation.) For information about the available states for orders and order components, see Understand order states.

Keep the following in mind when writing PUT requests with the Commerce Cloud REST APIs:

  • The request typically does not need to include properties you are not updating. However, if the request includes a list or map property, that property must contain references to all the members of the list or map that should be retained. Even if you want to update only one item out of a list of 20, you must provide enough data to match the other 19 existing list members.

  • References to an existing list member must contain enough data to match the item with an existing item. If no match can be found, a new item will be created.

  • A request that includes a representation of an empty list or map removes all members of that list or map.

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