To configure how the dimension values of a specified dimension are to be ordered, follow these steps:

  1. Export the configuration of the ATG owner’s attributes, using either of the following endpoints:

    GET /gsadmin/v1/cloud/attributes/ATG (JSON format)
    GET /gsadmin/v1/cloud/attributes/ATG.ZIP (ZIP format)

  2. In the exported _.json file, find and note for future reference the attribute that configures the dimension whose dimension values you want to order. Sample dimension configuration illustrates how a dimension is configured.

  3. Export the configuration of the system owner’s attributes, using either of the following endpoints:

    GET /gsadmin/v1/cloud/attributes/system (JSON format)
    GET /gsadmin/v1/cloud/attributes/system.ZIP (ZIP format)

  4. Copy the dimension attribute that you are interested in from the ATG owner’s _.json file and paste it into the system owner’s _.json file.

  5. Close the ATG owner’s _.json file without saving it.

  6. In the system owner’s _.json file, find the dimension attribute that you are interested in. In this attribute’s displayConfig parameter, specify the sort option and sort order for the dimension values in that dimension; for example:

    displayConfig": {
      sort": "freq,desc;alpha,asc"

  7. Add a parameter to specify the merge action: "mergeAction" : "update"

    Note: The “mergeAction” attribute is necessary only if there is a corresponding
    definition for the dimension attribute belonging to an owner other than “system”.

  8. Save the _.json file with the changes that you made.

  9. To import the configuration of the dimension, using either of the following endpoints:

    PUT /gsadmin/v1/cloud/attributes/system (JSON format)
    PUT /gsadmin/v1/cloud/attributes/system (ZIP format)

  10. Publish your Catalog to apply your configuration of the ordering of dimension values. Note that the Publish button is not enabled unless you have made at least one change to your Catalog content.

  11. View your changes in your preview application to verify that the dimension values are ordered as you intend.

  12. Run a partial update to promote the changes to the live application

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