Note: Only two interfaces are supported: All and TypeAhead. Thus, you will need to create a search interface only if, for whatever reason, one of these search interfaces is missing. Do not attempt to create or use search interfaces other than All and TypeAhead.

In JSON format or ZIP format, use a POST endpoint to create the configuration of a search interface.

For example, the following endpoint imports configuration of a search interface named All:

POST /gsadmin/v1/cloud/searchInterfaces/All

The endpoint must include JSON configuration of the search interface All as its content; for example:

  "ecr:type": "search-interface",
  "crossFieldMatch": "always",
  "fields": [
      "attribute": ""
      "attribute": "product.sku"
      "attribute": "product.code"
      "attribute": ""
      "attribute": "product.category"
      "attribute": ""
      "attribute": "ecr:crossField"
      "attribute": "product.long_desc"

Note: The JSON object that configures a search interface does not specify the name of the search interface. Instead, the name of the search interface is assumed to be the same as the name of the subfolder (for example, All) where the search interface is created.

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