Commerce Cloud does not configure taxes, but integrates with tax processors that calculate sales tax in the shopping cart. To integrate with an external tax processor:

Commerce Cloud automatically uses the enabled tax processor to calculate taxes for every order placed on your store. The tax processor calculates sales tax as part of the pricing operation. When the shopping cart is priced with a request to include tax pricing (when the shopper begins the checkout process and when the order is submitted), Commerce Cloud sends the order information to the external tax processor in the body of a webhook request. The tax processor calculates the total tax amount and sends it in a response. The response breaks down the tax into individual components, for example, the total tax amount might include sales tax assessed by both the state and county.

Note: Commerce Cloud is not involved in the settlement process.

Commerce Cloud uses a fallback method for calculating taxes when it cannot connect to your tax processor’s web service in the event of an outage. See Monitor tax processors for details about fallback tax calculation and information about configuring its settings.

If you want to display prices with tax included, for example prices that include VAT, create a price group for those tax-inclusive prices. See Configure Price Groups in Using Oracle Commerce Cloud for more information. If your store uses price groups with tax-inclusive prices, you may need to update certain settings on your tax processor’s site.

Important: As a merchant, it is your responsibility to add the appropriate tax jurisdictions when you configure your profile or account on your tax processing service. Jurisdictions tell the tax processor where and when to calculate and report tax. All sales that occur in jurisdictions you have not configured in your tax processor result in tax calculation that returns a value of zero tax. Commerce Cloud is not responsible for configuring or validating jurisdictions. Look in your tax processor’s documentation for information about nexus and tax jurisdictions.

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