If your Commerce Cloud instance supports more than one site, one site is designated as the default site. When you create a new site, the values for email settings and templates are copied to the new site from the default site. This includes any customizations you have made to email templates for the default site. When you download and upload email templates in an environment that supports multiple sites, make sure you select the correct site first. See Download and edit email templates for more information.

In emails generated by Commerce Cloud, the following variables in the html_body.ftl file associated with any given email template specify site name and URL information.

  • ${data.sitename} represents the store name and corresponds to the value entered for the site name when creating the site.

  • ${data.storefrontUrl} represents the site base URL provided when creating the site.

At run time, these variables are replaced in the generated email with the name and URL associated with the site.

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