Modifying the Title and Font Sizes of the Dashboard Tiles Portlet

When you log in to NetSuite, the portlet displays the default title and fonts sizes. You can modify the title and font sizes of the Dashboard Tiles portlet depending on your preference.


The tile preference always takes precedence over the portlet preference. For information about setting dashboard tile preferences, see Modifying the Appearance of a Dashboard Tile.

To modify the title and font sizes of the Dashboard Tiles portlet:

  1. In the Tiles portlet, click the Menu icon Menu icon and select Edit.

  2. In the Custom Content dialog, specify the values for the following fields:

    • Title – Enter a name for the portlet. If you leave this field blank, the default name Tiles is displayed.

    • KPI Font Size (PT) – Enter a font size for the tile KPI from 0 to 18 points.

      If you leave this field blank, the default KPI font size is 13. If you enter 0, the tile KPI is removed.

    • Label Font Size (PT) – Enter a font size for the tile label from 0 to 16 points.

      If you leave this field blank, the default label font size is 10. If you enter 0, the tile label is removed.

    • Blink Delay (MS) – Enter a value in milliseconds from 300 to 3000. If no value is specified, the default 530 milliseconds is used.

      This field sets the blink delay only for reminder and scorecard tiles.

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