Creating a Static Tile

A static tile displays a static value. For more information about the types of dashboard tiles, see Types of Dashboard Tiles.

To create a static tile:

  1. Go to Setup > Dashboard Tiles > Manage Dashboard Tiles > New.

  2. On the Dashboard Tile page, specify values for the following fields:

    • Name – Enter a name that describes the static value to be displayed in the tile. For example, Target Revenue This Quarter.

    • Inactive – Leave this box clear to make the tile available for display on the dashboard.

    • Tile Type – Select Static.

    • Display to All Roles – Check this box to make the tile visible to all roles. When this box is checked, the Roles field becomes read-only.

    • Roles – Select at least one role that can access the tile. To select multiple roles, press and hold down the Ctrl key.


      To display the tile in the portlet, you must select at least one role in the Roles field or check the Display to All Roles box.

    • Display Order – Enter a numeric value to define the order that the tile is displayed in the portlet. For example, enter 1 to display the tile as the first tile in the portlet.


      If two or more tiles have the same display order value, the system displays the tiles in alphabetical order.

      A maximum of 50 tiles can be displayed in the portlet. If you create more than 50 tiles, the portlet displays only the first 50 tiles depending on the display order value.

  3. On the Data subtab, specify values for the following fields:

    • Display Value – Enter the static value to be displayed in the tile.

    • Link – (Optional) Specify the URL to use for the tile. For example, you can enter a saved search URL. When you click the tile, the system launches URL page.

    • Prefix – Enter text or characters to append before the tile value. For example, you can use a currency symbol as a prefix.

    • Suffix – Enter text or characters to append after the tile value. For static tiles, the Saved Search field is read-only.

  4. (Optional) Modify the tile appearance or apply conditional alerts.

    For more information, see Modifying the Appearance of a Dashboard Tile or Applying Conditional Alerts to a Dashboard Tile.

  5. Click Save.

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