Modifying the Appearance of a Dashboard Tile

Only users with an Administrator role or users with edit access can modify the appearance of a dashboard tile.


The tile preference always takes precedence over the portlet preference. For information about the setting the dashboard tiles portlet preferences, see Modifying the Title and Font Sizes of the Dashboard Tiles Portlet.

To modify the dashboard tile appearance:

  1. Place the cursor over the tile that you want to edit and click the Edit icon.

    The Edit icon is only available to users with an Administrator role. If you are not an administrator but have edit permissions, go to Setup > Dashboard Tiles > Manage Dashboard Tiles and select the tile that you want to edit.

  2. On the Dashboard Tile page, under the Appearance subtab, specify values for the following fields:

    • Tile Color – Select a color for the tile.

    • Font Color – Select a font color for the tile.

    • Icon – Select an icon to use for the tile or click the + icon to upload a new image.

      For better performance, upload an image with a small file size.

    • KPI Font Size (PT) – Enter a font size for the tile KPI from 0 to 18 points.

      If you leave this field blank, the default KPI font size is 13. If you enter 0, the tile KPI is removed.

    • Label Font Size (PT) – Enter a font size for the tile label from 0 to 16 points.

      If you leave this field blank, the default label font size is 10. If you enter 0, the tile label is removed.

    • KPI Wrapping – Select a wrapping option for the KPI text. Select from the following options:

      • None – No wrapping is applied.

      • Word Wrap – This option wraps overflowing text into a new line without breaking words.

      • Word Break –This option maximizes the tile width and may result in breaking of words.

    • Apply Flex Layout – Check this box to apply flexible layout to the tiles. When this box is checked, the texts in the tiles are automatically adjusted for optimal space usage.

      The following image shows an example. The tile on the right uses the flexible layout option while the tile on the left does not.

      Dashboard Tiles flexible layout example

      The Apply Flex Layout box is checked by default.

  3. Click Save.

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