Adjustment Creation Response in the JSON Format

The following code snippet illustrates how the attribute/value pairs are structured while sending the adjustment creation response in the JSON format:

    "C1-CreateAdjustment": {
        "adjustmentRequest": {
            "accountNumber": "",
            "accountNumberTypeCd": "",
            "division": "",
            "accountId": "",
            "matchTypeCd": "",
            "matchTypeValue": "",
            "comment": "",
            "billId": "",
            "currencyCd": "",
            "adjustmentType": "",
            "currentAmount": "",
            "arrearsDate": "",
            "accountingDate": "",
            "sourceSystem": "",
            "externalTransactionId": "",
            "externalSourceId": "",
            "adjustmentCharacteristics": {
                "characteristicType": "",
                "characteristicValue": ""
        "adjustmentResponse": {
            "adjustmentId": "",
            "adjustmentStatus": "",
            "saId": "",
            "adjustmentAmount": "",
            "approvalRequestId": "",
            "messageText": "",
            "statusCd": ""

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