C1-CreateAdjustment Business Service

The Create Adjustment (C1-CreateAdjustment) business service enables you to create an adjustment against a contract. It enables you to create both the calculated and non-calculated adjustments against a contract. You can call this business service from an external system through an inbound web service. If you want to send the adjustment creation request in the XML and/or JSON format, you need to ensure that you create a REST based inbound web service in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing. However, if you want to send the adjustment creation request in the XML format, you can create a SOAP or REST based inbound web service in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing.

You can specify either of the following match type while sending the adjustment creation request:

  • CNTY - Used when you want to derive an active contract which is created using the specified contract type on the account. The system then adjusts the contract value of the account through the adjustment.

    Note: If there are multiple active contracts of the specified contract type on the account, the system will derive the contract with the latest start date.
  • CONT - Used when you want to specify the contract whose value should be adjusted through the adjustment.

If the match type is set to CNTY, you need to specify either of the following in the adjustment creation request:

  • Account ID

  • Account Identifier Type, Account Identifier, and Division

However, if the match type is set to CONT, the system ignores the account information given in the adjustment creation request. On processing the adjustment creation request, the system creates an adjustment using the specified adjustment type. If an approval profile is set in the adjustment type, the system creates the adjustment in the Freezable status. It also creates an approval request for the adjustment. However, if an approval profile is not set in the adjustment type, the system creates the adjustment in the Freezable or Frozen status depending on the adjustment freeze option set in the adjustment type. Note that the system creates an adjustment against the contract when it is in the Active status.

You can specify the currency while sending the adjustment creation request. If the currency is not specified in the request, the system creates the adjustment in the account's invoice currency. However, if the specified currency is different from the account's invoice currency, the system does the currency conversion and creates the adjustment in the account's invoice currency.

The system enables you to track the adjustment creation response sent to the external system using the Inbound Web Service History feature. For more information, see Inbound Web Service History.

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Parent Topic: Adjustment Creation, Cancellation, and View Through Inbound Web Service