How To Allocate The Tender Amount To Multiple Accounts

When you add a payment event, the system automatically creates a single payment for the account that remitted the funds. If someone is remitting funds for someone other than themselves, you must change/add payments. This section describes how to do this.

Note: This section assumes you chose to add the payment event using the Payment Event - Add Dialog. Refer to How To Add A New Payment Event for the complete list of options.

In the Payment Event - Add Dialog, be sure to select Do Not Distribute before clicking OK.

Once on the payment event page, go to the Tenders tab and do the following:

  • If the remitting account shouldn't have received any part of the payment, Remove it by clicking the - button. Alternatively, you can just change the account id to reflect the recipient.
  • If multiple accounts receive the remitted funds, Insert one row in the payment scroll (click the + button) for each additional account.
  • When the payment event is balanced, Save it. Then Distribute and Freeze the payment(s). Refer to Payment Event Actions for more information on these action buttons.