How To Get An Unbalanced Tender Control In Balance (Fixing Over/Under)

In order to balance a tender control that is out-of-balance, you must create a tender for an account associated with your company.

Note: The over / under account. Your organization must set up a company-use account with a contract whose contract type references the over/under distribution code. This account should be linked to the person ID associated with company usage.
  • If you have more money in the drawer than you have tenders, then you're "over". In this situation, you need to record a payment for the "over" amount. This will cause cash to be debited by the over amount, and the expense account associated with the account's contract to be credited.
  • If you have less money in the drawer than you have tenders, then you're "under". In this situation, you need to record a negative payment for the "under" amount. This will cause cash to be credited by the over amount, and the expense account associated with the account's contract to be debited.
Note: Important! You must determine the over/under amount for each tender type and then enter the respective over/under tender for the company-use account. For example, if you have more cash but fewer checks then you must enter two tenders for the company-use account (but you can do this on the same event). Check out the following table for an example:
Tender Type Starting Balance Tenders Received Turn Ins Actual Ending Balance (Entered by Cashier) Expected Ending Balance Over/Under Amount
Cash $150.50 $5,000 $4,000 $1151 $1150.50 Over $0.50
Check - $1,000 $750 $249 $250 Under $1

In this example, you'd have to create two tenders for the company-use account:

  • Tender type: Cash, Tender amount: +$0.50
  • Tender type: Check, Tender amount: -$1.00

The sum of the tenders is -$0.50 and this is the amount that will be distributed to the company-use account's contract (debit over/under expense, credit cash).

Note: You must reopen the tender control. Before you can add an over/under tender to a tender control, you must re open the tender control (tenders may only be added to open tender controls).